[Insurance Executive Resume 保险从业人员简历范文]Objective An executive level position in the insurance industry. Summary Proven sales ability. Highly anizedand efficient. Extremely capable manager and leader....+阅读
An executive level position in the insurance industry.
Proven sales ability. Highly anizedand efficient. Extremely capable manager and leader. Proficient in allphases of anizing and coordinating projects, meeting deadlines, andmeeting budgets.
State Home Insurance, Cleveland, OH
Lead Associate, Sales, 1998 to Present
Supervised department of 20 employees. Responsibilities includeddevelopment of new accounts and management of ongoing corporateaccounts. Responsible for interviewing, hiring, and training newpersonnel.
Direct Insurance, Cleveland, OH
es Agent, 1992 to 1997
Specialized in sale of life insurance policy. Office's highest grossing salesman for three consecutive years, 1994 - 1997.
Hawbaker Kazminski, Des Moines, Iowa
Legal Secretary, 1988 to 1992
Worked for three lawyers specializing in personal injury law andmalpractice. Wrote rough drafts of briefs in malpractice cases. Regularcorrespondence with insurance pany representatives.
Insurance Institute, Baltimore, MD
M.B.A., Business Administration, 1994
University of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa
B.A., Business Law, 1990
Insurance Executive Resume 保险从业人员简历
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