[地雷战观后感150字]地雷战观后感150字,地雷战是一部具有教育意义的电影,地雷战观后感150字怎么写,下面带来地雷战观后感150字范文,欢迎阅读。 地雷战观后感150字[1] 今天,我和爸爸一起看了爱国主义...+阅读
但是反观社会,我想简爱的结局也才是最贴近历史现实的。 所以对于整部影片我想我可以这么理解,一个落魄乡绅的女儿,有着一颗卓然于世的超然自主的心,由于性格决定命运,所以女主角最终冲破世俗的羁绊,阶级的差异与达西先生最终走在一起。告诉我们人不能活的行尸走肉,丧失本心。
Watch the movie《Pride and Prejudice》feeling This book Pride and Prejudice is the masterpiece of AustenJane. I see is 2005 Joe Director White film version, the film bring me excellent English speaking environment and deep feelings.
The film tells the story of Mrs. Ben helped five daughters to looking for their life partners story, but the days are not peoples wishes, the two daughter Elizabeth just can find one hundred not a reason to get married. When Mrs. Ben heard nearby herfield is a wealthy bachelor Bentley rent, and with his friends to e to the summer, she excitedly that this is her daughters blessing, saw proposal to the door. All he got ones wish to carry on, the eldest daughter Jane and new to Mr. Bentley quickly fell in love. Two daughter Elizabeth met a man of striking appearance is proud of Mr. Darcy, contradictions between the two, MrWei Han lies again, also he miss Bentley threat, there is no lack of suspicion between Elizabeth and Darcy. He has his own pride, and Elizabeth he deep prejudices.
This film the original alias is called the first impression, also, the film narrative is also Elizabeth and Darcy to each others first impression, between two people do not understand, had many differences. For he, he, is not good at talking, because of his personality caused by, not used to show off in front of strangers or indulge in verbiage, as he said I dont really like the people that he the ability to, who do not know who also were laughing. And his servant, described as I called Mr. Darcy acquainted with people is good, is not to say that his thoughts and attitudes will change for the better, but that, you with him at the ripe, the more you understand his personality. This is doomed to the inevitable conflict of love, but also to his will to love. Elizabeth bias is derived from Darcys pride. Her attitude towards him is deepened by the plot development step by step, the deterioration of the layers of evolution, from cold, ignore to dislike or even hate the evolution to.
In real life, in this materialistic world, will be hidden by inadvertently things people their own personality and certain the truth of the matter, will let others misunderstanding and Prejudice and hate. You are you, you are the one and only. May it be love, friendship or, all need to trust, understanding and care of each other. In the movie Elizabeth Darcy initially hate, to bring the Darcy Elizabeth on the love, this will never change until death love is to make everyone in the audience was good. This love has no class, no interference family feudal, a kind of break when the dark worldly immortal legend, the author of the original story itself with the legend, is a beautiful but not the twists and turns of the fairy tale, is also the time of foreign literary rare edy story.
The film although containing love color film, but it is at least let us know the importance of understanding, for the life of the customary principles, for anyone to he a fair attitude etc.. In this movie, I harvest a lot.
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