

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我的周末小学生英语作文]我的周末小学生英语作文,每个人的周末都有自己的周末安排,对于你来说,你的周末生活是怎样的?下面,: ../小编为你整理了小学生英语作文我的周末,希望对你有帮助! 小学生英语作文我...+阅读


Every Saturday I get up late. At eleven o'clock I go shopping at the supermarket and the fruit and vegetable market. Then I go swimming at the local swimming pool. After that, I have lunch and then clean my house. In the evening I usually go out to a restaurant with friends.

On Sundays I also get up late. After breakfast I go swimming for some more exercise. In the afternoon I visit my parents. In the evening I cook dinner and watch TV. I sometimes read a book in bed.


Well my weekend was spent wonderfully. Starting from Friday evening, my friends came over, we swam and danced and kind of partied. On Saturday I came online, did some stuffs... (some websites).... I went to the mall with my friends, saw some movies and then we shopped of course. I got me some skirts (it's summer) and some other stuffs. We came home and decided to all go get some movies from the local store. We got two movies (upside of anger and man of the house), both movies were silly. My friends left after the whole thing --- except one.

On Sunday we woke up late (I and my other friend), due to the fact that we slept late on Saturday. My dad bought us KFC and we ate. We fooled around (I and my friend) and I came online (I can't go through a day without coming online). I stayed online through the night...and talked on the phone and we actually watched nigerian movies (Games women Play 1&2).....Damn, one of the best Nigerian movies of all time. Well organized and well timed.

I slept by 6:00am and woke up by 1:00pm Monday. that was my weekend. My friend left not long ago. I am so sad he left.We are going to see next month.


我的周末作文350字周末是值得开心的,经历了一个星期的学习,又可以放松了!请分享你的周末都做了什么吧!以下是我的周末作文350字,请参考! 我的周末作文【1】 我的周末应该属于我的,周末是我的休息...

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