

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一个享受过程的作文事例]去年五月,爸爸到云南旅游,带给我一包黑色的小豆豆,说是跳舞草的种子。跳舞草?草也会跳舞么?我抱着几份疑惑种下了种子。 此后,每天起床,我做的第一件事就是跑到花盆边,看看种子有没...+阅读

No matter when and where,in no circumstances can we deny the great importance of manners.无论何时何地,我们都不会否认礼貌的重要性.Firstly,a person with good manners is often considered to be more trustworthy and easygoing,which helps him make more friends and get needed help from others.Besides,people are more willing to show their respect to the polite people and cooperate with them,bringing them many opportunities to change.Still most importantly,being polite helps reduce misunderstanding between people,contributing to a harmonious and enjoyable relationships.首先,一个有礼貌的人往往被认为是更值得信赖、更随和的,这有助于他结交到更多的朋友,得到别人的帮助.此外,人们更愿意尊重有礼貌的人,与他们合作,这会为他们带来很可以改变的机会.还有最重要的是,礼貌有助于减少人们之间的误解,促进和谐、愉快的关系....




英语作文mba学习英语的重要性English is one of the most common languages that are speaking in the world. According to the research, there is nearly one person in every ten people can speak...

通过自身的努力获得成功的事例的作文总有一天你会明白,仁爱比聪明更难做到” 全球最大的网上书店亚马逊公司的总裁杰夫-贝索斯小时候,经常在暑假随祖父母一起开车外出旅游。 10岁那年,贝索斯又随祖父母外出旅游。...

作文我的同学400字总分写出三个事例重点写一个事例大大的、水灵灵的眼睛,高高的鼻子,一张能说会道的大嘴巴,黑黑的皮肤,总是扎着粗大的马尾辨。大家都知道她是谁吗?对,她就是――高雅. 我和高雅都是数学科代表,可是高雅收作业特别认...

以学好英语的重要性为写英语写作文English is most widely used among all people right now, no matter you're from Asia, South America, North America, Europe or even Africa, you could communicate w...

英语重要性的英语作文English is the most popular language in the world, and it is also most widely spoken of all the language. It is mother tongue in many important countries, such...

英语的重要性的英语小作文英语的重要性 The Importance of English Asthe deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, especiallyfor those who communicate with foreigners....

以一个熟悉的事物写篇作文通过事物说明一个道理在“失败”中尝试成功 作文:“失败是成功之母” 汉语成语大词典》中对“失败是成功之母”是这样解释的:母,先导。指善于从失败中吸取经验教训,才能成功。据考证,它源于鲧禹治水的...
