

03月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[以变化为题写一篇作文]变化 走在两旁站满枫树的小路上,心是平静的;树枝上的枫叶还没有红,依旧是散发着它那特有的绿色的甜美气息,让人陶醉、迷恋。微风吹拂着我的头发,感到一切都那么自然、恬静。我喜...+阅读



Supermarket is very importment for us! We need them!We can buy anything when we must use it! Sometimes Supermarket is more expensive than shop!But it is butter than shop.We can look for to the happiness from it.Supermarket has lots of toys,foods,drinks,clothes,shoes and other things.But it doesn't have many other things such as gold fish,tables,sofa and ice.You can see many books in the supermarket.Because of this,you don't go to the bookshops.

注意:1.前几个文章有许多问题!!!比如第二篇将supermarket写成surpermarket.第三篇也有错,比如说 I like looking 他却写成了Ilike to looking .



There is a supermarket near my home .It is convenient for me to buy daily things .It is very big . There are varieties of things there ,such as vegetables , school things , food and so on . The supermarket locates in the centre of the city .So there are always crowded with customers .Their service is good ,and the things sold there is cheaper .We all like to buy daily things there .


I like going to supermarket. I can buy many things in the supermarket. I can buy food, snack, book, drink, and clothes in it. Sometimes I can sit in the handcart before we buy things. It is interesting. I can also play in it. There are entertainment tools for children to play in the supermarket. Every time I go to the supermarket with my mother, I would be very happy. For me, supermarket is my kingdom.


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