

03月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Nowadays,itisknowntoallthatChinahasbecomeaplaceoframpantpiratedproducts:piratedCDs,piratedVCDs,piratedDVDs,piratedbooks…Theyareavailableeverywhereandwearesoaccustomedtothephenomenonthatwewon'tfeelitstrangetoseepiratedcopiesofthelatestmoviesevenbeforetheyareonshownintheatres. Thereasonsforthephenomenon,whichareobvioustoall,canbelistedasfollows: Firstofall,thepriceoftheproductsthatarepiratedistoohighthatmostpeoplecannotaffordit.Second,thepriceofthepiratedproductsismuchlowerand,insomecases,thepiratedproductdoesn'tnecessarilymeanlowquality.Alsoplayingapartisthelocalgovernment.Someofficialsgivetopprioritytoeconomy.Theywilltolerate,orevenencourage,anythingsolongitcanbringthemfinancialincome. Butthepiratedproductsreallydomuchharm.First,theyinfringeintellectualpropertyrights.Second,theyoffendagainsttherulesofthemarket.Asaresultofpiracy,companiesinvestingininventionwillinevitablyrunbankruptcyandoursocietywillstopwhereitis.Noadvance.Noprogress. Inviewoftheseriousnessoftheproblem,effectivemeasuresshouldbetaken:foronething,itishightimethatpeoplealloverChinarealizedtheharmofpiracy;foranother,thegovernmentshouldissuestrictlawsandregulationsinordertoputthesituationundercontrol.


为什么要学英语?在华尔街我听到最多的理由是:想学说英语;很少人会说,想学懂英语;更少的人会说,他们要学“听”英语。 当然,最容易衡量你英语的进步是你讲英语的能力。实际上人类的本性是,我们多数人更愿意听,而不愿意说。而我们自己的思想、观念和经验在讲话时是有约束力的。然而,正如《道德经》所说:“知者不言,言者不知。”换句话说,“听”,而不是“说”,是学习的根源,也是智慧的源泉。这对学习英语和其他任何学习形式来讲,都是正确的。这有以下充足的理由: 1.当我们讲一种语言的时候,我们可控制讲话。我们以自己选择的语速,使用我们感到舒适的词汇和结构。但当我们听的时候,我们就没法控制,我们会受讲话者的摆布。他们以他们的语速讲话(对我们来讲可能语速太快),使用他们选择的语言(许多我们不懂)。

这就是为什么“听”比“说”更有挑战的技能,需要更多的实践。 2.汉语和英语有巨大的差别,很难想象如何用英语讲你从没听过的事情。如果只是将汉语的谚语或短语直译成英语,你的英语对话者肯定会感到迷惑不解。因此,你需要先听讲英语的人是怎样讲的,基于此,才能保证你说的英语是正确的。 3.最后,如果你理解别人讲话的大多部分内容,你将是一个非常成功和受欢迎的对话者。如果你同一个人讲汉语,他只是说:“听不懂”、“再说一遍”,你还能在这样的对话中体验多少乐趣呢? 这就是为什么我总是对学英语的人建议:听,听,听。利用国内优秀的英语广播和电视节目,看英语原声电影(当然,观看有英文字幕的)。这是帮助学习者打下牢固听力基础的较好方法,并建立语言沟通能力的自信心。

这样,当你听别人大段地讲英语,但又言之无物,你就可以引用《道德经》中那一句有用的话,使自己处于有利的地位,“He who knows does not speak;he who speaks does not know”。...


Hearing the importance of not self-evident, students should raise the level of hearing, first of all, a solid foundation in grammar and vocabulary certain; Second, we must pay attention to the following questions: 1. Change the traditional way of word memory Most of the students word memory is the traditional way, simply by writing spelling words in mind. Remember the written spelling, listening, Gendu and repeatedly read out is very necessary, on the one hand guarantee the correct pronunciation, on the other hand, can be heard familiar words. 2. Attention and often read aloud And often read aloud to contribute to the hearing. 3. Jing and Fan Ting listen to combine There are two advantages of fine listening to:

(1) can focus on the promotion

(2) to raise the awareness level of language forms, and details that do dictation, can improve the correct rate. At the same time, we can not focus only on fine listen to the neglect of the Fanting. Through Fanting not only can get more information and knowledge, but also help to improve the tone of voice, listening to expand vocabulary. 4. Listening material diversification We all know that to raise the level of hearing only 1-2 per week of listening class is not enough, in extra-curricular will take the initiative to find some material to practice hearing, but many people in the hearing of non-selective, or just personal preferences Listening materials, such things are often reactive and a half times, although spent a lot of time, but little progress. 听力的重要性不言自明,学生应提高听力水平,首先,要有扎实的语法基础和一定的词汇量;其次,要注意以下几个问题: 1.改变传统的单词记忆方式 大部分学生单词记忆的方式是传统的,单纯地通过书面拼写记单词。记住书面拼写的同时,听音、跟读乃至反复朗读是非常必要的,一方面保证了读音正确,另一方面,可以听熟单词。 2.重视并经常朗读 重视并经常朗读有助于提高听力水平。 3.精听和泛听相结合 精听有两点好处:


(2)提高对语言形式的意识程度,在做听写和细节题时,可以提高正确率。同时,也不能只注重精听而忽视了泛听。通过泛听不仅可以获得更多的信息和知识,还能有助于提高语音语调,扩大听力词汇量。 4.听力材料多样化 大家都知道要提高听力水平只靠每周1-2节听力课是不够的,在课外都会主动地找一些听力材料来练习,但是,很多人对听力材料不加选择,或只凭个人喜好选择听力材料,这样往往事倍而功半,虽然花了很多时间,但是进步不大。

关于提高英语听力和口语的英语作文带翻译 120字左右

Learning English just like learning any other foreigh language, is hard work so you should spend time practicing using English for communication. Besides, you should listening to English radio programmes and attending English debbates and speech contests. What's more, be patient and confident. Don't be shy and don't be afraid of making mistakes. We must understand that mistakes are unavoidable. A saying goes" Failure will blossom into success." So be patient with your mistakes and try to awoid them other time. I believe" practice makes perfect". So why not try to speak English as often as you can.



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