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[英语四级作文写的有点偏题但是擦边用最简单单词语句写的还算流]不清楚你实际答题情况不能判断英语作文是否偏题、“擦边”程度,特整理英语四级考试作文部分的评分原则,可以根据自己的实际情况进行评估。 1.英语四级作文题采用总体评分方法...+阅读

Septemper 25, 2009

Dear XXX,

I am sorry that I accidentaly took down some notes on the textbook I borrowed from you when I was attending classes. I didn't expect that you would want the textbook back now. I hope you can forgive me.

Yours Truely,



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司马光砸缸的英语短文A Bright Boy This happened in a garden long ago. There were many water vats in the garden. A group of boys were playing there. They played happily. Suddenly a b...

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