

12月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写一篇笑对失败的作文600字左右]人生总是坎坷的。在我们成长的历程中总会遇到无数的考验,成功与失败我们无法决定;快乐与悲伤却交织在我们的心中。 当我们尽自己最大的努力去做一件事却换来失败时,无疑,我们是...+阅读

May Day, I and my friends went to visit the nanbei outing.

We rode the car on the way of FeiShi laughter, the window of HuaGongLiuLu jilt behind. Soon, we came to a small village nanbei. A bus, a vibrant picture I: there are pieces ChengYin trees, the field, with green paddy fields and other delectable YouCaiHua. We sang a song, while a wild flowers, jump in the farmhouse, chasing around ran. Catch up mountains, chicken, egg, we are a yard full of laughter, cry...

At noon, we sang "KongChengJi", we came to a farm fields. With the kind of vegetables, beans, and make me all the names of the food. The task of our parents distribution, teach us how to pick bean, bamboo shoots. I eager to picking beans, still in the earth digging bamboo shoots. On one side of the parents have to wash dishes in busy, fire, rice, some busy preparing for the barbecue. Finally, wild rice to burn, fragrance head-on. We rushing to eat the delicious meal. Barbecue frame steak and a bite, and the smell of fresh delicious fresh: really, sweet, body-it, delicious! Everyone full-bladdered.

Then, we went HaiTu edge catch crabs. It is small crab in soil, need to be found from the mud to dig. So I went to the leg, beside the mud, hand to touch a hole in it. Touch! Touch, suddenly, I touched a hard thing, take out a watch, ah!!!!!! Originally a wet mud crab, it's small, waving at me with the mud is big, like I protest pliers it dreams. I put it in the water clean, the paper put into place. This ear from other children, "alas," and "-" and "wow -", they also have whimper many harvest!

Through this activity, I appreciate the outing at the beauty of nature. If all the places like the nanbei, environment, so that our life will be brighter and more beautiful and colorful Xun.


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