[有关错误的作文]面对错误 ] 在我的人生旅途中,难免会遇到一些错误。可最让我忘不了的是二年级数学考试犯的错误。我至今记忆犹新。 那天,数学老师——曾老师抱着试卷走进了教室。刚跨进门口就...+阅读
Homework,homework and homework.I be sick of it already.Teacher giving us homework everyday,we done it, pass it but does it mean anything??We hate to do homework.but we know it is for our own good so all we could do is just keep on doing those homework.Does any regardable teacher know that we should take a rest??Taking a rest by having a game in class and not just study.Nowadays teenager dont like study but they knew their responsible.They are responsible for their future their life.Therefore they learn.不想写了70++
求一篇中国腾飞为话题的初中语文作文“起来,不愿做奴隶的人们,把我们的血肉筑成我们新的长城……”中华人民共和国国歌响起来了,使人们不同得想起了2008年的北京奥运会,也同样想起了你们。 2004年雅典奥运会的圣火...
奥运让中国腾飞的作文我来回答,华丽的奥运梦 公元二零零八年八月八日,这一天终于在全世界人的瞩目中姗姗来迟…… 很荣幸,我可以来到奥运会开幕式的现场,享受酣畅淋漓的现场殊荣。 一片嘈杂的现场,忽...
帮我想个作文题目谢谢根据材料写作文主题为不要给动物园里的动物从题目《不要给动物喂食》来看,似乎有点违背常理。但从材料的大意来看,却又存在一定的道理,我们不妨按照材料的大意这一观点来论述,从另一个角度去看问题。 我们把动物简单分为...
求一篇英语关于抱怨的作文Dear Manager, I venture to write to complain about the quality of the digital camera I bought last Friday at your store. During the five days the camera has bee...
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用英语写一篇抱怨学习生活的作文范文哦 还有就是 目前我在学的ABC天卞口语的老师说过 如果想学会英语是很容易的..必须有个符合的学习情境和闇练口语对象,这取决于外教资质 口语纯正很重要 持续每日口语沟通 一...
帮忙写一篇抱怨信关于父母之类的100词英语作文参考答案 My mother is very kind.l like she very much.We sometimes play badminton in our estate.l think she is as well as my friend.She is very in charge of me.S...
抱怨家规则的英语作文50Ihave too many rules in my family.i have to get up at six o'clock every moning,then i have to practice speaking english.i can't meet my friends after school bec...
写一封抱怨信英语写作To dear neighbors whom it may concern, Some of your lovely pets are always peeing and pooping around my property / house / home lately. I am so annoyed. Would y...