

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小学三年级上册的英语单词表]人教版:Unit 1 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pencil-case 铅笔盒 ruler 尺子 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡笔book 书 bag 书包 sharpener 卷笔刀 school 学校 Unit 2 head 头face 脸nose...+阅读

看图作文在英语作文中是大家普遍缺乏练习的一种类型,一个提高的方式就是看范例和点评,针对其中的错误进行自我修正。 养老“足球赛”: 写作原文 As is depicted in the picture, a poor old man, rolling like a football, is kicked between(改为among,注意between和among的区别,between表示在两者之间,among则表示在三者或三者以上之间) his three sons and daughter(改为a daughter)。

Unwilling to be responsible for their father ,the daughter and sons spare no effort to kick the old man as far as possible。 We are irritated to see in the picture(建议放到句首或句末) the pathetic fact that these people go to any length to avoid surporting(拼写错误,改为supporting) their parents。 Unfortunately, what we have seen in the picture isn't a rare phenomenon。 However,what factor it is that results in this situation? (汉语式英语,改为what is the cause of this situation?) For one thing, in my opinion, the decreased importance attached to the moral education contributes to the lack of ethnic conception,leading (建议改为定语从句,which leads)to the consequence that paople(拼写错误,改为people) don 't esteem and(改为or,肯定句中用and,否定句中用or) value their parents。

For another, faced with the pressure of work and house installment, young people can hardly make ends meet, let alone taking good care of their old parents who is(改为are,定语从句的先行词为parents,从句中的谓语动词应用are) fragile to a sudden disease such as heart attack。 There is no denying that further attention must be paid to the problem by the government。 To handle this worsening situation, more money should be involed(拼写错误,改为involved) in the pension to guarantee the daily life of old people。

In addition, instead of merely focusing on the scores, schools ought to put more stress on moral education。(结尾较为仓促,可适当添加总结性的话语) 总体点评 考研作文的整体思路你已经基本掌握;但还存在个别简单的语法错误、单词拼写错误及汉语式英语的问题。 建议作者多读、多积累好的词汇及句子;之后可按照佳句进行模仿,以达到用地道的英语表达方式描述自己想法的目的;再者,写完之后一定要认真检查,减少失分点。

参考分数(满分20分):12 英语写作水平的提升需要不断地练习,在改正错误中不断取得进步,不怕犯错误,怕明知道犯错误却不面对。 看了范文和点评,希望大家有思考,有提高。


小学英语三年级上册单词旧pen:[pen]钢笔 pencil:['pensl] 铅笔 pencil-case:['penslkeis] 铅笔盒 ruler:['ru:lə] 尺子 eraser:[i'reisə] 橡皮 crayon:['kreiən] 蜡笔 book:[buk] 书 bag:[bæg]...

小学三年级上册英语第一单元的单词pen.钢笔 pencil.铅笔 pencil-case.铅笔盒 ruler.尺子 eraser.橡皮 crayon.蜡笔 book.书 bag.书包 sharpener.卷笔刀 school.学校 hello.喂 hi.喂 I'm=I am.我是 my.我的 na...

小学英语三年级上册第一单元单词三年级上册 第一单元 01 bag 书包 02 book 书;本子 03 bye 再见 04 crayon 蜡笔;蜡笔画 05 eraser 橡皮擦 06 goodbye 再见 07 hello 喂;你好 08 hi 你好;嗨 09 I'm(=I am) 我是...

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