[人教版六年级上册语文书第5单元的作文有什么]我的小伙伴 一个人的一生当中,也许会有许多朋友,但在众多的朋友当中能数得上知心朋友的却很少,有时甚至都找不到,可我却有一位最好最好的朋友。 她长得很漂亮,也很精神,一对迷人眼...+阅读
雅思作文一般来说可以分为十大类, 1。文化传统类 Some people think that culture traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed to tourists。 Others believe that it is the only way that traditions can be remained in the world。Discuss both and give your opinion。 2。 青少年犯罪问题 Recent figures of crimes committed by young people are increasing in major cities throughout the world。Discuss the possible reasons and how to solve it? 3。 教育类
(1) In order to improve the quality of education,high school students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers,but others think it will result in loss of respect and discipline in classroom。 Discuss and give your opinion。 4。科技类 Many employees may work at home with the modern technology。Some people claim that it can benefit only the workers,not the employers。 Do you agree or disagree? 5。国家政策类 Some people think the government should pay for health care and education,but other people think it's not government's responsibility。 Discuss both and give your opinion。 6。社会问题 Many people think that public libraries should only provide books to readers and shouldn't waste their limited funds on expensive high-tech media,such as computer software,DVD or videos。 To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 7。教育类
(2) Some teachers say students should be organized into group study。 Others argue that students should be made to study alone。What's your opinion? 8。冷门题
(1) Food can be cheaper if we use improved facilities and better machinery 。 However,some of the methods may be dangerous for human health,and have negative effects on local community。What's your opinion? 9。 广告类 Advertising is playing an important role in our modern society and we are confronted with various advertisements on a daily basis 。 Do the positive effects of advertising outweigh its negative effects?What is your opinion about modern advertising? 10。冷门题
(2) Some people say that the large amounts of money used in space research are not worthwhile 。 Instead,governments should make more efforts to improve the living conditions of humans on Earth。What is your opinion?。
六年级第五单元作文怎样写留在心里的印象1 在我的印象中,有许许多多的人都帮助过我,深爱着我,在我脑海中留下深深的印象,然而最使我印象深刻的就是我的妈妈,她给过我最多爱护和关心,也是我最爱的人,是她给了...
我的生活我来创造作文1000字[我的生活,我来创造!作文1000字] 每个人的心里都有过一个属于自己的秘密,这样生活才会多姿多彩,我的生活,我来创造!作文1000字。 当流星雨划过的时候,我仰望天空,倾听着魏晨唱着《当...
作文我的生活我创造 800字以上叫她出去玩:“孩子的空间都是快乐的,以草地为家。孩子的心不是像被钥匙锁在那一样,一直在家中写作业。我们的自由空间都有自己制定,这样才五彩斑斓。最后。打开了我们学生心灵的...
大家帮帮忙以创造自己的生活为话题写篇作文除诗歌另外文体不限创造自己的生活 世上有三种人,一种人承受生活,觉得一切都是命中注定,随花开花落,看云卷云舒,一直到老;再—种人迎接生活,他觉得生活就像手中的一副牌,虽然牌面是注定的,但出法却由自...
以生活是自已创造的为题写一篇不少 800字的作文我的生活很精彩 从小,我就是一个爱游山玩水,尽情欣赏大自然美妙风光的人.因为,那一次的我,忘记了旅途的疲劳,尽情在大自然的怀抱中沉醉着. 那是我第一次到大海边,和大海那么亲密无...
雅思教育类大作文怎么写最好有范文雅思大作文教育类写作模板 教育类是雅思大作文写作当中最为主要的一个类型,所以大家在备考自己的雅思大作文写作的时候,一定会准备和教育类相关的话题。下面就为大家搜集整理...
雅思考试大作文范文:儿童教育是父母还是老师的责任Childhood refers to the period of time in human life span between the end of infancy when the acquisition of language starts and the beginning of adolescence at...