

01月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[雅思作文是什么样的]雅思作文一般来说可以分为十大类, 1。文化传统类 Some people think that culture traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed to...+阅读

2013 年1到6月份所有雅思G类题目 (目前还没找到2月14日的题目,希望大家补充!) 今年上半年,A类和G类的考试题目都有一个共同规律:教育类和儿童成长的题目大量出现!这也就是为什么我们的题库最小化串讲班还有精品班每次选题的时候都会有教育类,还有类似话题。 小马过河希望学生可以下半年继续快速提分、保持高的通过率! June 22, 2013 Why young people are not willing to become a teacher ?what actions could be taken to attract them ? June 8, 2013 Some people argue that learning to play a musical instrument is a waste of time, but others say it can bring many benefits. discuss both views and give your opinion. May 25, 2013 Cooking at home a waste of time, while going to fast food restaurants is easy and not stressful. Do you agree or disagree? May 16. 2013 in many countries, students spend a lot of time doing homework. Is it good or bad for them ? April 27. 2013 Children can learn about world from watching films. What can children learn? Are all these things good to children? April 6, 2013 Some people think that things learnt at school are not as useful, and there are important skills to learn outside school. Do you agree or disagree? March 23, 2013 Nowadays, many children are not as fit and healthy as children used to be in the past. What are the causes? How could it be solved? March 9, 2013 The best way to protect the environment is to reduce the amount of air travel. To what extent do you agree or disagree? February 14, 2013 February 2, 2013 Nowadays, the differences between countries are becoming less and less, we can enjoy the same lifestyle and culture. Why does this happen? What are the advantages and disadvantages? January 12, 2013 In many places shopping is becoming a free-time activity, replacing the traditional hobbies of the past. Discuss the reasons for this development. Is this development positive or negative? January 5, 2013 some people believe that children should do what their parents tell them to do. Others think children must learn thinking themselves. Discuss both and give your opinion.


如何对雅思大作文话题进行有效地构思 3000字作文雅思大作文一直以来都是众多烤鸭非常头疼的事情。很多考生都在埋怨雅思大作文的题目难度过大,感觉难以很好地应对。事实也确实如此。在中国的教育体系中,英语的写作一直是可有...

请分析一下这篇雅思大作文的语言地道在哪里?如何学习如果非要说这篇大作文地道的话, 我觉得主要是 1. 句子间的连接词用的比较多: therefore, in order to, however, 等等 2. 句型比较多,有定语从句,状语从句, 形式主语It is somethi...

关于雅思大作文的句子你好,很高兴为你解答: Task 2的段首和结尾填空式写法段首句: (一)对立观点命题形式的首句: 1. Many people do not doubt that A is superior to B , while others think quite di...

7分雅思作文高分范文及翻译:如何解决垃圾问题1:语法错误就太多了啊。。。if a person does not work hard.:2:还有句子表达也很不清晰。这个第二段没看明白要表达啥。。:3:With thedevelopment of society,more and more f...

求人帮忙写一篇关于高中生励志的800字美文励志的: 时光匆匆,转眼我们迈入高三的大门,等待我们的是责任、是辛苦、是紧张。面对高三,我们自信,因为我们镇定,高一、高二我们并没有虚掷青春,我们已为高三的长跑、冲刺作足了准...

急求问一下雅思作文里面议论文和说明文的框架是怎么样的在确定文章的架构之前,我们首先要确定文章的文体。雅思写作一共三种文体,议论文·说明文·混合类。 一.确定何种文体. 议论文和说明文的区别在于问题中是否有两个对立面,即两个...

关于一种雅思作文的结构额,如果是discuss both sides 的话,disadvantages 和advantages 要分明写,不过如果你是正的disadvantage就少些一点,不要讲的太理直气壮。conclusion的时候,把advantage强调一下,...

求批雅思G类小作文我认为axinaim9提的5点指正都非常准确。要想在高水准基础上进一步提高的话,我想主要应该在语言表达方式上能更上一层楼。 原文:I am writing to request your permission to s...

雅思g类大作文五分标准怎么写你可以参考这个来练习:写作题目 Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others t...
