

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[人类和环境的英语120字作文]Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only...+阅读

Dream and Reality

The beautiful legeng ,Chang'e flying to zhe moon, implies the dream of Chinese to explore the Moon . For thousands of years ,we Chinese have been working hard for it one generation after another . The moon orbiter ,Chang'e One,is named after the fairy . And the successful launch marks the nation's first step towards realizing its dream of exploring the Moon.

Indeed,I've got to learn a lot from this historycal event . First of all ,we need dreams in our life ,for they are the primitive drive to everything .Then we should follow our dreams and nevergive up.At the same time we have to be aware that the path to any success may not be easy to go though .Yet whatever we do ,we should believe “Where there is a will ,there is a way ." And then try our best to make our dreams come true.


嫦娥奔月的美丽传说暗示着中国人民探索月球的梦想。几千年来,我们中国人一代又一代地 为这个梦想努力着。嫦娥一号月球探测器就是以这个神话故事命名的。嫦娥一号的成功发射标志着中华民族实现探月梦想的第一步。



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