

01月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于雅思图表作文未来数据的表达]You can certainly use will in the data presentation, why can't you? Apart from the two expressions you have mentioned here, you can have several other options:...+阅读

Environment-Resources Topic We should compete for our survival. We should compete for our survival, otherwise, wewill be thrown out of the tide of the society. Nowadays, people face fierce competition and sufferfrom great life pressure, so they spend little time with their families. Nowadays, young people face fierce competition andsuffer from great life pressure. Nowadays, people face fierce competition and sufferfrom great life pressure, so they spend little time with their families, thoughthey want to....



求帮忙写一篇雅思小作文!饼图十分感谢The charts give information about how people aged from 17 to 19 years, from 30 to 45 years and over 46 years choose their accommodations in Evonia.As can be see...

雅思作文难写么方法为什么雅思考试全程考试时间为2小时55分钟。其中,写作在听力、阅读部分之后出现,是笔试的最后一项。雅思写作考试要求在60分钟内完成两篇作文(Task 1 and Task 2)。写作中,以移民为主的...

雅思作文好难怎么准备写作方面的敲重点!!! 这部分有大作文和小作文两部分,大作文的分值占了作文里的三分之二,所以一定马虎不得。不过作文的评判标准对于二者都适用。 TR (Task Response) 扣题与任务...

环境类雅思作文有哪些素材展开全部 我曾经以为“漠然”是由心底迸发的毫不在乎、冰冷无情,我也固执地把它与冷漠画上等号,并且自私地从其中列数出他的种种冷酷与无情,殊知这样看似无情的外表下,竟贮存这...

求一篇雅思6 0左右的作文关于环境的主题句现如今,环境污染的问题越来越2113值得重视...什么5261的It's no doubt that....不可否认的是there is no doubt that....without any doubt....It's worth noticing th...



雅思作文关于空气污染这是我写的,不是抄的,希望能帮到你。Over the last century, the revolution ofindustry has been creating a material world that we have never seen,simultaneously resul...
