[英语作文建议信带翻译的]Can you imagine that I'm now in the United States, a country so different from China? Everything is new and interesting!e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e31333365666263 I...+阅读
As illustrated in the picture, the flowers inside
of the greenhouse were growing fine while the outside of the greenhouse was raining.
However, those flowers were died as soon as they moved out of the greenhouse since
they could not adjust to the harsh environment.
This picture has conveyed an implicit message that if
parents avoid their children from facing any challenges independently, the
children would fail in their life since they have been treated like those
In my opinion, no one can have a perfect life since
lots of crisis in your life are inevitable. Parents and teachers are supposed
to teach children how to face challenges and to deal with mistakes appropriately.
A child would become strong, independent and brave only when the child has gone
through enough challenges in life.
(I assume the stuff on the pic wre happened in the past so I used simple past tense)
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