

03月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[文图并茂的广告写作]“广告”一词按现代汉语的字面意思理解,就是“广而告之”。 “广告”这个概念是20世纪初从西方传入中国的,它源自拉丁文adverture,是吸引人心、诱导或注意的意思。到中古时代,这...+阅读


可能分为文字部分和条款部分 要写清楚路程,时间,地点,旅游项目等.具体顺序看范文就可以了 文字部分 Advertisements for travel Experience a week in Europe with seven nights in Germany and one night in Paris, France. Your journey begins in Paris, the “city of lights”. You'll spend the first night and following morning there. Then you will fly to Munich. There you will spend the afternoon and early evening experiencing Oktoberfest! Then you reach our destination-Lake Tegernsee, Germany. It's an ideal place for tours of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. You can enjoy sightseeing and some of the world's best outdoor activities. All of these are on... the “city of lights”. There you will spend the afternoon and early evening experiencing Oktoberfest,旅游项目等, Austria and Switzerland.



Experience Oktoberfest& seven nights in Germany

October 2-10


Round-trip flights form Los Angeles

7 nights' accommodations

Air transportation between Paris and Munich

European breakfast daily

Welcome party

All airport/. All of these are only minutes from your hotel. You can enjoy sightseeing and some of the world's best outdoor activities. Then you will fly to Munich.具体顺序看范文就可以了


Advertisements for travel

Experience a week in Europe with seven nights in Germany and one night in Paris!

Then you reach our destination-Lake Tegernsee. It's an ideal place for tours of Germany, France. An optional two-night stay in Paris is offered on the way back. You'll spend the first night and following morning there. Your journey begins in Paris,地点.

Our tour ends with a flight from Munich to Paris and back to the states可能分为文字部分和条款部分

要写清楚路程, Germany,时间


Job Description

Recruiting Assistant needed for Raleigh corporate office. This candidate will primarily be assisting the head Recruiter with duties that include but are not limited to maintaining a nationwide database, leading new hire orientation, and identifying potential employees. The individual must be proficient in MS Office and Peopleclick software. This position requires a high level of professionalism and great attention to detail.

All applicants applying for U.S. job openings must be authorized to work in the United States. All applicants applying for Canadian job openings must be authorized to work in Canada.

Qualifications :

Knowledge of Peopleclick software. Proficiency in MS Office.

OfficeTeam is the world's leader in specialized administrative staffing offering job opportunities from Executive and Administrative Assistants to Office Managers, and Receptionists. We have the resources, experience and expertise to select companies and temporary to full-time positions that match your skills and career goals. We provide one of the industry's most progressive training, benefits-and-compensation packages. Contact your local OfficeTeam location, or call 1.800.804.8367 to find out more about this job. OfficeTeam is an Equal Opportunity Employer !



My View on Advertisement Advertisement is very common in our life. I have a preference for it. It is funny and helps us a lot. Every time when I open TV or go outside, I can see various advertisements. They tell me the information that people concerned lately. So, I have to go to school every day, but I still know which kind of goods are the most popular. It provides a cho沪弧高旧薨搅胳些供氓ice for me who have no idea about goods. And it is interesting, not boring at all.


Do you often eat at restaurant?if you answer is “yes”,please go to ***(餐厅名)restaurant。We have tomato and egg soup ,chicken,potatoes and other delicious food。

Our food is very cheap ,for example,a bowl of tomato and egg soup is ten yuan and a plate of chicken is twenty yuan。

welcome to our restaurant!




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可口可乐的英文广告语最好有最新的英文广告语1886 请喝可口可乐 1904 新鲜和美味 满意——就是可口可乐 1905 可口可乐—保持和恢复你的体力 无论你到那里,你都回发现可口可乐 1906 高质量的饮品 1907 可口可乐—带来精...

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apple苹果英文广告词现在热播的那个广告词的英文括号内的是广告中没有,但官网文字版中有的This is it.This is what matters.The experience of a product.How it makes someone feel.(When you start by imaginingWhat tha...

关于广告的英文作文急需谢谢Lily Clothes Store • Come to Lily Clothes Store. Do you want skirts? We have nice skirts for girls. They are only $18 each. Do you like shirts? We have white,...

旅游广告的类别旅游广告的类别,求广告种类打击粘贴族:按照不同的划分标准,有不同的类别。 (一) 按广告表现形式划分,主要有: 1.静态广告。有以文字为主,有以图画为主,有以图文并茂为主的多种静态形...
