

02月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[跪求高手翻译关于乌镇的导游词江浙分府有日文原版的最好江浙分府]江浙分府明代称浙直分署,是乌镇历史上特有的一个政府机关。职掌巡盐捕盗,兼理地方词讼,俗称二府衙门。自明朝嘉靖间设立,至民国初撤销,几经革复,数易其址,历时三百七十余年。 乌镇...+阅读

The essence of wujiang river, known as "the wujiang gallery". Cliffs, thickets, Taiwan of risks than water, known as the "three hundred gallery." what's the feature of wujiang river scenic gallery? Rugged mountains, stone, clear water, pounding, town, roads, road, suspension was buried. Its risks of ravines, offers the valley of wujiang river, unassailed escarpment, cheerful APengJiang running in the beautiful ornament, wujiang river, the gallery countless expedition, adventure, photography lovers, movies, television crew....


英语高手翻译求职信TO XX computer company Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you very much for you to read my datum to apply for this job My name is xxx, which granulate from xxx. I want to...


谁帮我翻译下这篇英文自荐信!亲家的先生/女士: 现在写信给您,是想获得在您的学校就职的机会。目前,我正在兰州大学读大学三年级,我的专业是英语。 在学校,我努力学习专业知识,并且在专业课程方面取得了较好的...

急求英文自荐信翻译!请不要用翻译软件各位达人帮忙谢了!高悬您好,首先感谢能在百忙中抽空阅读我的材料,希望能在贵公司得到一个锻炼的机会。Dear sir or madam, Thank you first for taking time to read my materials. I really hope t...

求助英语高手?帮忙翻译1. to construct first-class electric networks, to become a first-rate enterprise 2. to privide green energy, to build a harmonious society 3. strong electric ne...

女友快过生日请高手帮忙用英语翻译这段祝福语!谢谢!"Beloved! I I wish using my heart to build missing getting the bridge leading to your heart profundity , let you know daytime missing evening all is for you. Use...

希望英语好的能帮我把这篇导游欢送词翻译成英语谢谢了Firstly,I' m really grateful for your trust and corporation during this journey,and I was really happy during these days.I hope that I had brought you guys happ...

急!请高手帮忙翻译一下自荐信Respected leaders of your company:Hello!First of all, thanks for your busy schedule to read my cover letter!I am a college English Language Institute ***** A *...

英语高手进翻译一篇倡议书参考一下吧Dear students: May 12 at 2:28 p.m., in Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province rare magnitude 8.0 earthquake, to Wenchuan County as the center of the surr...
