

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[男朋友第一次去工作时的祝福语]男朋友第一天上班的祝福: 1、闹铃响,烦恼来,气不打-处来,扰我美梦扰我睡意我要丢弃你。手机响,短信来,美好心情舒缓,小猪,是我派闹钟来监督你的,赶快起床,祝你早上有个好心情,不要迟到...+阅读

Wish you a whole world of happiness now that your birthday is here. May your memories today be warm ones. May your dreams today be dear. May your joy last through the year.


I want to be one of the first who say "Happy birthday to you". May everything it take to make a very happy and successful year!


My birthday wishes to you are the warmest. May all the plans you are making work out just right for you and may life always bring the best things your way.


I sincerely feel a grateful interest in each return of this happy anniversary. Send you a birthday card and the accompanying gift is a token of my best wishes for your success and happiness.


A gift of love for your birthday, which is a warm wish from my heart. Happiness for your birthday and always.



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