
求英文求职信 150单词左右要译文

01月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求职信包含哪些内容]求职信应该包括哪些基本内容? 求职信是求职者写给用人单位的信,目的是让对方了解自己、相信自己、录用自己,它是一种私人对公并有求于公的信函。求职信的格式有一定的要求,内容...+阅读

Dear Sir,

I am writing you in response of an advertisement you placed on Washington Post looking for an editor for your newspaper. I am very interested in this position and I believe I can do it well. I am currently the chief editor for the Thames, and I've been in this position for the past 20 years. Since my wife is moving back to the States for her job at the State Department, I am looking for a job in Washington, DC. Attached please find a copy of my resume.

Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,



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