

02月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[用日文翻译个人自荐信]亲爱なる指导者: こんにちは! 私は本当にあなたのカバーレター仕事を読み取るために、彼の忙しいスケジュールの时间を割いて感谢しています。私は今、5年间、主に树脂成形加...+阅读

Self introduce lette Dear people responsible for recruitment: Hello! Thank you for taking down my reading written. I have to apply for your company's financial accounting, audit-type functions. I am the Guangdong University of Technology School of Economics and Management (Accounting) graduates a year. They participate in social, very happy in this year's Health Qiuzhi Wang and our campus Web site to see your company's recruitment information, I am very interested in your company, but also feel that they are very suitable for this type of job, so now I will be careful Personal information submitted, to be sincere in your company's favor, you become a member of the honor, for the further development of your company to make its own modest. Now, I would like to tell us about your own situation. In school, I can confidently say that I am a good student because:

(1) in the academic context, my GPA ranked in the top eight class

(2) activities on campus, I served as Secretary of the College of institutions, Secretary of the society, Minister, members of the class to learn, young volunteers, hospital staff will be transported. In addition, I hope you will consider my following advantages: ★ solid expertise, state-owned enterprises are very familiar with the accounting standards, are familiar with the audit and tax laws and regulations Because this year I participated in the CPA's "accounting" test, in the Note, I carefully read books 5 times and have done a lot of exercise, so that makes me a more comprehensive knowledge of accounting, corporate accounting standards with user-friendly application, this semester learning " Audit ", a teacher on the related issues of knowledge when I can reflect back soon. Now I'm pro forma "tax", the state tax laws gained a deeper understanding. ★ pro-active work, good character, a sense of long service In terms of learning or work, I have been positive. For example, in the association as Director-General, I am not passively waiting for instructions senior schoolmates, but take the initiative to contact their superiors, asked whether I need to do something, or to ask whether there are other things I can help, I often in other departments Logistical work to do, so I learned more and faster progress, which I would lay the foundation for a successful run for the Minister. ★ have a strong team spirit, willing to share their learning and work experience, the courage to take responsibility In college classes and panel discussions, our team was very good. For example, a group of my work - marketing case study work (I am the head), due to our team very well coordinated, the results of our first professional, was named the best team combination. In my opinion, the team's biggest advantage is that all members of the integration experience into wisdom. In such enterprises, individuals have to rely on the growth of the overall business growth, only that everyone is good, only good business, individuals can also enjoy more benefits. This is like running a relay race, each only have to run a good bar, in order to become the first. Their experience and share that experience into a number of experiences on the effectiveness of the organization as a whole better. This will be their faster growth. Sincerely hope to have the opportunity to interview you. I wish you the busy recruiting season, good health and good luck!


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