Dear Xiaoming: Hearing that your howtown was flooded, i feel pretty sad about it.the houses were destoryed,the fortunes lost,Now things have come to such a pass, it is no use crying.fortunately,Heaven always leave one a way out,nobody got hurt in the catastrophy. still,however,i hope all of you brace spirit up,and reconstruct your home as soon as poosible.i would like to offer you everything i could do.i hope you will rescue from such a miserable event.remember sunshine always follow after rain day. sincerely,yours ***...
急求写给亲人的新春慰问信和读书改变了我两篇作文给妈妈的慰问信 每当看到您眼角边那早早爬上来的细细的皱纹,我的内心深处就不由自主地涌上一股依恋之情,我多想说声:“妈妈,您辛苦了。”不过在我眼里您那头乌黑的秀发,依然还是...
英语作文慰问信Dear David, I'm sorry to hear that you fail in the final exam.Well,please calm down and don't be upset anymore.I have some good ideas that may help.First,why no...
用英语写给病人慰问信范文英文慰问信的写作格式,英文慰问信范文 慰问信 (notes of sympathy on illness, injury and material loss) 亲友生了病或受了伤,或由于火灾、水灾、被盗等不幸事件蒙受了损失,就...
英语慰问信怎么写才好MIKe听说Bob因病住院了,他认为Bob应该查出病因。他希望Bob看到他信时已经好多了,并祝他很快痊愈。以MIKe的名义给BOb写封慰问信 Dear Bob, I am very sorry to hear that you...
请帮我用英语写一封慰问信好吗My dear friend, I am sorry to hear that you were injured by a traffic accident.And what about your feeling now? Maybe you felt that is unfair to you.But cheer u...
慰问信英语作文句型Tamer Ma Tengfei thousands of miles, more sheep on a doublet. On the occasion of the New Year approaching, the school faculty Happy New Year, family well-being!...
一封英语慰问信亲爱的地震灾区的人民们: 你们好! 首先祝哪些受伤的小朋友早日康复,重返校园。 前几天你们哪里发生了7.8级强烈地震,使一些学校的校舍遭到严重损害,甚至有的学校瞬间变成了一片废...
急求六级作文用英语写给灾区的慰问信watched, with mounting concern, the effects of the devastation caused by the terrible earthquake in Sichuan Province. It has been most impressive to see the mar...
英语写作写一封慰问信给生病的朋友王晶有字数限制吗? Dear Wangjing, I am very sorry to know that you have a cold. How are you now ? Have you taken the medicine Pls take some medicine and have a good r...