[学生保护环境的倡议书]关于保护环境问题的倡议书 全体少先队员: 环境问题一直倍受人们的关注,因为环境的好坏直接影响着人们的学习、工作、生活。为了保护环境,我们建议全体少先队员立即行动起来,做到...+阅读
Behave now
Environment is suffering from the damage caused by human. This problem is increasingly serious. Environmental pollution expands when environment protectors don't behave. Look around, everything has changed. We aren't able to look clearly far away any longer. We can't directly drink the water in rivers any longer. We have to wear masks to breathe. The conditions of yesterday has gone, and this is not what we want to see and live with.
Now, it's time for us to step forth to protect the environment, with small changes of our behavior:leave with the lights turned off, travel around by public transit, save water and paper, and whatever you can figure out to change the environment for better.
Thank you for your attention.
保护环境的倡议书作文保护环境的倡议书作文,现在的地球已经被我们污染得很严重了,让我们以倡议书保护环境方式呼吁大家保护环境吧!这是一篇保护环境倡议书范本,欢迎大家阅读! 保护环境的倡议书作文篇...
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学校保护环境的倡议书学校保护环境的倡议书1: 老师们、同学们: 绿色是永恒的颜色,是人类赖以生存的绿肺,是动物们生存的必要环境,它和生命难舍难分。而现在,世间的一抹绿色却面临越来越多的危机:乱砍乱...
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