

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语道歉信格式]1、由于违约,或做错了事,说错了话,或是因服务不周造成了某种不良后果, 当事人必须为此道歉。 书写道歉类便条时要注意: (1)要言辞恳切,诚心诚意,指出自己并非故意伤害或开罪对方,切...+阅读


National Day again, I was wondering where to play well, but the school should do group learning group, I he the honor of success.

On the second day, I asked for a lee to play. That is my sister took me out to play, a total of seventeen people.

In the morning, we went to the bookstore to read a book, I read the if I he three days of light. Readily turned a few pages, I feel flat and uninteresting. They can see her sister sitting on the ground, spread all across in confusion, soring the novel. Im glad we didnt Aunt bookstore when Tramp out - like look at them! My sister put one leg in the XX leg, he leaned on the bookcase; XY squat, slobber flow in the mouth; a leg with a laugh from time to time...... All of this.

Then we went ice skating. In the skating rink, we fell, the guy rushed too horrible to look at, hit us, fell to the ground. Repeated several times, and finally out of the ice skating. My head is dizzy, as if there were a lot of birds flying in front of me.

After lunch, and shouted to KTV. Oh God, five me, you know, they sang that a bad estimate, wake the dead scold them.

Finally ended the day of play, after that day, I understand: the world is not good and free meals!


The arrival of October 1st has been a long time, the National Day is our motherlands XX years old birthday.

Here, in the face of this familiar holiday, I think it is a special holiday, is the mother of the motherland brilliant festival.

On that day in October 1, 1949, when the liberation of the five-star red flag flying high in the Tiananmen, the national people cheer up. Now, the conditions are superior to our lack of passion at that time, then the carnival, but our hearts are boiling, is warm, is the red. We thank the October 1949, that exciting moment, is that year that day, will make our lives so happy.

XX years of history, October 1st every year on this day, let me excited, are filled with a lively gas high streets and back lanes, red lanterns floating in the road on both sides of the wind, the crowd of countless, merged into a torrent, seems to be streaming endless, each containing Guang Huanfa. On the market, let alone, the color of the light, the color of the window, the color of the night sky, the light color of river street. The store just opened, it is like opening the gates of the tides, in store. Here is filled with the hot atmosphere of the national day. Customers are holding a large bag of small bags out of the counter, a smile on everyones face......

In October 1st of this year, as the atmosphere must continue, the hearts of the people will not reduce the tiny bit of passion, maybe more. Then the lights, fireworks, large and small jewelry will dress up beautiful motherland.

We are happy in this festive holiday cheer, to convey the melody to every corner of the world, let all people feel National Day to the atmosphere, it will make us realize the motherland magnificent and majestic. In this big world, each of us is so small and great, at the moment, we will bee a world of myth......

In the ing of the national day, I would like to shout: I love you, the motherland, I wish in your embrace of the children, happiness, happiness, to bee your beautiful Legend.



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