[英语口语大赛范文]I am a girl having many avocations,so my spare time is rich and colorful. After getting up in the morning,i like doing some physical exercise,like running.This...+阅读
I am into watching movies and I have watched tons of films.
The Gods Must be Crazy is the best movie I have ever seen and I like it
so much.
the movie is all about a tribal population (bushman) who live in a remote
part of Kalahari Desert in African continent. Life goes on for them but
the trouble occurred when they received a piece of Coca-Cola bottle
which was thrown by an airplane pilot. The bottle was received by Xi,
the lead character of the movie. It brings a change in his family. The
family members started quarrelling among themselves. The peace of life
was broken for the bottle. So, Xi wants to return the bottle. He
believed that since the bottle has fallen from above, it might be the
Gods who have thrown it. He starts his epic journey to return the bottle
to the Gods and experiences different strange events of his life.
The movie is the best movie to me for some specific reason.It wants to give a message to the modern people that everything they are doing is not fair.The movie shows that Xi is praying before killing an animal while the modern people do not perform so.He knew how to survive in the desert and jungle but survival in the city becomes difficult for him. In fact,the movie actually shows the simplicity of life. So, like the movie best.
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