[和苹果公司建立业务关系的英语作文]Dear Sirs, We have obtained your address from the Commercial Counsellor of your Embassy in London and are now writing you for the establishment of business rela...+阅读
聘请公司高级职员,是要用很正式的聘书(formal letter of appointment),内容要包括几点主要事项(Key points to include),我把美国一个网站(governance.tpk.govt.nz/how/letter.aspx)关于聘请董事时,写聘书的注意事项和聘书的样品附上,给你做参考,不过我建议你这封聘书应该找律师去写比较妥当。 Letter of appointment The actual process of appointing a new director or trustee is likely to be set out in the constitution or trust deed. Once a new director/trustee is appointed or elected, the chair should send a formal letter of appointment setting out what is expected. Key points to include are: The term of appointment The obligations of directors/trustees Times of board meetings and the time commitment required in preparation and attendance Fees, if any are to be paid to the director/trustee Criteria and process for reimbursement of expenses The evaluation process for directors/trustees Ask to be informed of potential conflicts of interest in other activities or directorships The induction process The process for getting independent advice Liability insurance — if this is relevant Confidentiality Acknowledgement of receipt of the letter Specimen Letter of Appointment [COMPANY LETTERHEAD] [date] To: APPOINTMENT AS NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR I am pleased to confirm that the board of the Company, on the recommendation of its nomination committee, has appointed you as a non-executive director. I am writing to set out the terms of the appointment. Please note that this is a contract for services and is not a contract of employment. Duration of Appointment The appointment is for an initial term of three years commencing on [date], contingent on your re-election at forthcoming annual meetings and on the appointment not otherwise terminating in accordance with the Company's constitution or by law. Non-executive directors are typically expected to serve two three year terms, although the board may invite you to continue on as a director for an additional period thereafter. Role of the Board The board's role is to effectively represent, and promote the interests of, shareholders with a view to adding long-term value to the Company's shares. Having regard to its role the board directs, and supervises the management of, the business and affairs of the Company including, in particular: ?? ensuring that the Company's goals are clearly established, and that strategies are in place for achieving them; ?? establishing policies for strengthening the performance of the Company including ensuring that management is proactively seeking to build the business through innovation, initiative, technology, new products and the development of its business capital; ?? monitoring the performance of management;
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英语论文与其他公司建立业务关系Dear John, I take the liberty to write to you because I learned that your coimpany is a leading digital cameras manufacturer in China and worldwide and yor comp...
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