[柏拉图的名言最好是英文的]A cat may look at a king.人人平等.Actions speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩。Adversity leads to prosperity.穷则思变。Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.逆境...+阅读
undergraduate本科生或者大学肄业生, (尚未取得学位的)大学生
university student大学里的大学生
college student 学院里大学生
academician 指的是院士
有谁知道校园环保节能启动仪式的开幕词怎写最接近的了,自己细节改改就OK了 青年朋友们、同志们: 今天,团县委、林业局在这里举行全县“青少年绿色行动”启动仪式,拉开了全县广大青少年弘扬“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的志...
求一首英文歌歌词大意为永不停步成为不可复制我《best day of my life》I had a dream so big and loud我有一个伟大的梦想I jumped so high I touched the clouds我跳得很高,能触到云朵Wo-o-o-o-o-oh x2I stretched my ha...
一首英文歌的翻译是我想像风一样自由拔足前进永不停步Michael Bublé - Home Another summer day has come and gone away In Paris and Rome but I wanna go home Maybe surrounded by a million people I still feel all alon...
邀请客户来本公司进行商务谈判的英文邮件Dear Mr./Ms xxx This is Isaac, a salesman from LDH. It will be very pleasant if we can have a meeting with you in our Shenzhen office for futher discussion on o...
寻求商务谈判的英文对话A. I just recieved your new catalog, and I'm wondering if we get a sample of one of your products. B.That's no problem.But there's a charge for the sample and s...
商务谈判术语的英文表达及音标注释制作精巧 skillful manufacture 工艺精良 sophisticated technology 最新工艺 latest technology 加工精细 finely processed 设计精巧 deft design 造型新颖 modern design...
谁知道关于保护生态环境的材料啊保护环境倡议书: 觉醒吧人类: 您好,我是济南市历城区实验小学六年级的一名学生。 虽然济南是一个十分发达的城市,但是环境问题却有十分重大的隐患,其实不仅是济南,整个地球都有这...
请问大家谁知道法院的起诉书是什么格式手写和打印都行吗起诉书的内容和结构由首部、正文、尾部组成。此外,还有“附项”。 一、首部。 1、标题文书上部正中写“民事起诉书”。 2、当事人基本情况。在原告和被告栏目内,分别写明原告...
大学生用英语怎么说Pupil/Primary school student Junior high school student/Middle school student Senior high school student/High school student College/University student 这几个学...