

02月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一商务谈判的剧本]谈判主题:解决中东卫视收购问题,建立双方长期合作关系。 地点:某某大酒店。 时间:2010年5月 人物:甲方(阿拉迪尔卫视) 主谈:穆罕默德经理—— 陈 副谈:阿里律师——谭 乙方(中芝公司)...+阅读

制作精巧 skillful manufacture 工艺精良 sophisticated technology 最新工艺 latest technology 加工精细 finely processed 设计精巧 deft design 造型新颖 modern design 造型优美 beautiful design 设计合理 professional design 造型富丽华贵 luxuriant in design 结构合理 rational construction 款式新颖 attractive design 款式齐全 various styles 式样优雅 elegant shape 花色入时 fashionable patterns 任君选择 for your selection 五彩缤纷 colorful 色彩艳丽 beautiful in colors 色泽光润 color brilliancy 色泽素雅 delicate colors 瑰丽多彩 pretty and colorful 洁白透明 pure white and translucence 洁白纯正 pure whiteness 品质优良 excellent quality(high quality) 质量上乘 superior quality 质量稳定 stable quality 质量可靠 reliable quality 品种繁多 wide varieties 规格齐全 complete in specifications 保质保量 quality and quantity assured 性能可靠 dependable performance 操作简便 easy and simple to handle 使用方便 easy to use 经久耐用 durable in use 以质优而闻名 well-known for its fine quality 数量之首 The king of quantity 质量最佳 The queen of quality 信誉可靠 reliable reputation 闻名世界 world-wide renowm 久负盛名 to have a long standing reputation 誉满中外 to enjoy high reputation at home and abroad 历史悠久 to have a long history 畅销全球 selling well all over the world 深受欢迎 to win warm praise from customers 协定 agreement 议定书 protocol 贸易协定 trade agreement 贸易与支付协定 trade and payment agreement 政府间贸易协定 inter-governmental trade agreement 民间贸易协定 non-governmental trade agreement 双边协定 bilateral agreement 多边协定 multilateral agreement 支付协定 payment agreement 口头协定 verbal agreement 书面协定 written agreement 君子协定 gentlemen's agreement 销售合同 sales contract 格式合同 model contract 意向协议书 agreement of intent 意向书 letter of intent 空白格式 blank form 授权书 power of attorney 换文 exchange of letter 备忘录 memorandum 合同条款 contract terms 免责条款 escape clause 原文 original text 译文 version 措辞 wording 正本 original 副本 copy 附录 attachment 附件 appendix 会签 to counter-sign 违反合同 breach of contract 修改合同 amendment of contract 撤销合同 cancellation of contract 合同的续订 renewal of contract 合同的解释 interpretation of contact 合同到期 expiration of contract 起草合同 to draft a contract 做出合同 to work out a contract 谈妥合同 to fix up a contract 签订合同 to sign a contract 缔结合同 to conclude a contract 草签合同 to initial a contract 废除合同 to annul a contract 执行合同 to perform a contract 严格遵守合同条款 to keep strictly to the terms of the contract 一式二份 in duplicate 一式三份 in triplicate 一式四份 in quadruplicate


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