

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[各国语言的中文怎么说如英文说为chinese]德语中文: Chinesisch 韩语中文:중국어. 法语中文:chinois 日语中文:チュンムン 丹麦中文:Kinesisk 阿尔巴尼亚中文:Kineze 阿拉伯中文:الصينية 阿塞拜疆中文:Çin 爱尔兰中...+阅读

常用的促销语有:New Year:

1.Christmas offer, up to 30%! And payment by PayPal, get extra 2% discount!

2.Christmas Special! Offer up to 25%!

3.Christmas Offer! All products with 25% discount!

4.Christmas, product promotion! Up to 25% discount!

5.Christmas sales! All products with 30% discount!

6.Christmas sales! Up to 25% special offer!

AU promotion slogan sample for your reference:

1. Congratulation! Labour Day Special offer!

2. Labour Day Special. Buy more! Save more!

3. Labour Day Congratulation! We offer up to 10% discount for celebrate.

4. Celebrated of Labour Day! Up to 10% specail offer for you!

CA & UK promotion slogan sample for your reference:

1. Congratulation! Thanksgiving Day Special offer!

2. ThanksgivingDay Special. buy more! save more!

3. Thanksgiving Day Congratulation! We offer up to 10% discount for celebrate.

4. Celebrated of Thanksgiving Day! Up to 10% specail offer for you!



急需超市英文用语超市Welcome to our supermarketMay I help you with something ? There is a total of xx yuan.Hope you will visit us again.If you think any improvement method, plea...

超市的英文怎么说“超市”的英语是:supermarket 【音标】:英 [ˈsu:pəmɑ:kɪt];美 [ˈsupərmɑrkət] 相关短语: 1、Large supermarket 大型超市 ; 超级市场 2、financial supermarket 金融超级...

12句英语对话问候句子的意思How are you?你好吗?Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。How is it going?近况如何。How's everything with you?你的一切如何?Hi! Are you having fun?嗨,你过得愉快吗?How is your bu...

关于生活启示的句子生活短信:生活感悟生活格言 美貌活在人们的皮肤上,美丽则繁衍在人们的骨髓里。好听的话只能取悦一时,好心的话才能让我们终生受益。 先相信自己,然后别人才会相信你,先尊重别人,然...

求关于生活且富有哲理又精炼的人生感悟的句子1.人生在如此,死在如此, 一切的一切只为了人生能到达自己理想的彼岸, 去追寻自己人生的彼岸, 2.人生恍如梦般的过去了,一转眼回顾过往的一切, 原来磕磕绊绊的人生就这样被岁月的时...


促销的英文怎么说[ sales promotion ] 近义词或词组 sale promotion | promotion 例句与用法 1. 通过让书的作者做促销之旅而为新书大做广告 Hyped the new book by sending its author on a...

一下促销方式英文怎样表达The general market promotion is divided into the following nine:One, free promotion (such as bonus, trial )Two, to send the promotion ( such as gifts to buy gif...
