

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[重金编写俄语小对话十句左右带翻译]Как хорошо Надя ? У меня болит желудок Ешь неправильные вещи так ли? Нет, я не знаю, Может бы...+阅读

度娘有原文啊少年。算了,谁让我好心来着,给你复制黏贴下,然后你自己随便改两下。恩。 A Taiwan exporter talks with a Canadian importer. Importer : I'm interested in your portable electric heater. But I'd like more information before placing an order. Exporter : l'd be happy to answer your questions. Importer : There's one problem I think I ought to mention. How about the energy efficiency rating of the heater? Exporter : As you know, heaters tend to be high energy users. Our model E22 is no exception. But although this heater is not as energy-efficient as some, it does have the most durable, problem-free electric motor of any heater we've tested. Importer : That sounds very impressive. You're talking about the motor that powers the blower? Exporter : Yes, that's right. Importer : What about safety features? Exporter : It has an automatic thermostat control which keeps temperatures from reaching unsafe levels. It also has an automatic shut-off switch in case the thermostat should malfunction. The cabinet contains special insulating materials, so even if it comes into contact with flammable materials its heat will not ignite them. This model is made especially for export. Importer : Do you have any similar, but smaller, heaters? Exporter : Why don't you have a look at this one? This is our newest heater. Importer : How large is the fan? Exporter : It only has a four-inch blade, but it is made to rotate at high speeds. For its size it distributes the heat very rapidly. Importer : What are the prices on these models? Exporter : The large model goes for $60.00, and the smaller unit is $25.00. Importer : Are those prices the lowest you can offer? I don't know if those prices will work for us. Exporter : We might be able to offer you a 10% cut on your initial order. Ten percent off is about as low as we can go. Importer : That sounds more in line with what we can handle. Exporter : Well, let me check my figures and get back to you on it.


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