[人生感悟经典语录+英文]人生总会有很多的感悟,下面小编给大家带来英文版的人生感悟经典语录,欢迎阅读! 1. Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum. 生活是绘画,不是做算术。 2. The wealth of...+阅读
一个人拥有什么,他就会崇拜什么。One worships what he owns. 时刻告诉自己,没有人会否认,世界终将是我的。I keep telling myself: no one denies that the world will ultimately be mine. 这世界上总有一些孩子不被爱,而我爱他们。There are always some loveless children in the world, but I love them. 当代情侣关系的三个阶段,总共九字:吻关系。性关系。没关系。Modern love has three stages of relationship: kiss relationship, sex relationship and no relationship. 我真的在用心去记住他,非常非常努力。
可是,渐渐的,我发现关于他的,甚至连幸福的滋味也都忘却。我能记住的,只有这种拼命想要记起他的感觉。I really try hard to remember him.But I gradually realize that I have forgotten everything about him, including my good time with him. The only thing I can remember is the feeling of trying desperately to remember him. 每一笔勾勒,每一抹痕迹,似乎都记载着跨越千年万载的思念。
Every brush and stroke seem to record his love through thousands of years. 打开真实的门扉,画出悲伤的开始。Open the door to truth for the beginning of misery. 只要有自己的地方,都是天堂。Heaven is where I am. 我不怕困难,困难就怕我。Troubles fear me as long as I don't fear them. 我时刻都能感受到,你在我的生命里。For feel every moment I can that you are in my life. 人生由绚烂变为平淡,再由平淡趋于更加平淡,漫漫长路,一个人走过,无非是为了解它有多么短暂。
Gorgeous life turns dull, and dull life turns duller. I walk through the lengthy road only to understand how short it is. 只有想起你的时候,才觉得寂寞。越是想你,就越觉得寂寞。但是,不要觉得内疚,我会学着长大。I feel lonely only when I think of you.The more I think of you, the lonelier I feel.But please do not feel regretful, for I will learn to grow up. 一直一个人走,总算在深暗的洞穴中找到一丝光亮。
那一丝光亮,却不曾属于自己。 到头来,他很平淡地告诉你,我从来不曾爱过你。 He walks alone in the dark cave until he finally finds a ray of light. But that ray of light never belongs to him. In the end, he is told that the man he loves has never loved him. 不要叹气。每叹一口气,就会少一分自信。Don't sigh. The more you sign, the more confidence you lose. 要时刻提醒自己,我无所不能。
I keep reminding myself that I am omnipotent 这个世界上,背叛只是迟早的事情。Betrayal comes sooner or later. 回忆是一座桥,却是通向寂寞的牢。 Memory is a bridge which only leads to the prison of loneliness 残雪流华千里。 The lingering snow spreads for thousands of miles. 自由的意义,就是永远都不用说抱歉。Freedom means never having to apologize 完美的世界,不完美的灵魂。A perfect world full of imperfect souls. 偶尔走过我们走过的地方,告诉自己,我们曾经幸福,很幸福。
Occasionally I walk past where we used to walk. I tell myself we used to be happy, very happy. 我早已能勇敢地面对失去你的生活,早已习惯在一个人的夜晚微笑着想你。I had already learned to face life without you bravely and think about you alone at night smilingly. 神说,爱是我们去世时惟一能够带走的东西,它使得死亡变得如此从容。 God says that death is nothing in front of love, which is the only thing we take away when we die. 天上的星星,地上的眼睛。
雾散,梦醒,我终于看见真实。那是千帆过尽的沉寂。The stars in the heaven look into my eyes. The fog dispersed, my dream shattered, I finally see the truth. It is silence after everything. 每个人都是自己的上帝。Everyone is his own god. 我只希望你能越来越幸福。I only hope that you will be happier and happier. 就像年少时单纯的心愿,和不可能实现的誓言。就像站在彼岸的你,和站在此岸的我。
It is like the innocent wishes of young people and the promises that can never be realized, like you and me separated by the eternal river. 贪婪?这就是人性,你既然拥有它,为什么不面对?Greed? That is part of human nature. Why don't you face it since you possess it?因为不讨喜,所以总是做一些过分的事,只是想要引起别人的注意。但因此,更加惹人讨厌,实在幼稚又任性。那样的话说不出口。
很孤单,非常的孤单。He is not popular, so he often goes too far only to arouse others' attention, only to make himself more despicable. A naïve and headstrong child indeed.He couldn't utter words like that.He feels bitterly lonely. 从小就受人嘲笑。自卑,却总是喜欢伪装成天不怕地不怕的模样。明知道自己渺小,却总是告诉自己,自己是无所不能的。讨厌这样的自己,讨厌付出总得不到回报。
一次一次放下自尊,乞讨来的,却不是爱情。他很温柔,却不肯将心给你。 He was jeered at since he was young. Though self-abased, he always likes to put on an indomitable mask.He knows he is negligible, but he keeps telling himself that he is omnipotent....
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