[大家能不能帮个忙]文明使者就在我们身边,校园里的老师和同学,家里的亲人,社区的居民,都是文明的使者。为了办好大运会,每个深圳人都在努力创造文明和传递文明。 文明行为并不难,在幸福的校园里,文明...+阅读
The map shows the development of(加 the) village named Chorleywood from 1868 to 1994.For transport, the two main roads were built in the early time located in the north-west of the map. Later, the railway situated in the south of the map was built in 1909. After almost sixty years, The motorway was built in 1970 which is sited in the east of this picture.The motorway and one of the main roads crossed at the northeast corner of this map, the railway crossed with the main road and the motorway respectively at the south-west corner and the south-east corner.With the development of transport,the residential areas became much more than the beginning in which there were only one residential area in the right side of a main road during 1868 to 1883. Many people lived around Chorleywood Station just off the cross of main road and railway during 1883 to 1922 due to the construction of the railway.The population (人口增长developed 应改为 grew) on (去掉 the) both side of the station along the railway during the 1922 to 1970.By using (要加 of the)motorway,population (developed 改为 grew) in the two crosses of motorway and railway ,main road respectively between 1970 and 1994.And Chorlerwood Park and Golf course (was 要改为 were)built up in the area which had the most convenient transport.文章连描写得甚为清析,没有甚麽大错。
说要写自我鉴定不知道咋写请各位高手帮个忙毕业生自我鉴定(范文) 三年的校园生活是我人生的一大转折点。我于xxxx年9月以优异的成绩考入xx学校。三年的校园生涯和社会实践生活我不断的挑战自我、充实自己,为实现人生的价...
请大家帮个忙员工年终绩效考核表中员工工作表现考评表 姓名 职位 部门 分部 入职日期 评估日期 评估期限 从 年 月到 年 月 评分标准 5.出色 4.良好 3.满意 2.差意 1.不能接受 请在得分栏按照评分标准对相关...
请有在国企做数控工作经验的朋友帮个忙我就是在国有企业工作的,我这个是小企业,不过我到总厂培训过。大致情况是这样的。 大型国有企业,因为有自己的产品,所以分工比较细。基本上是一台数控或加工中心只加工一两样东...
自我鉴定不知道咋写请各位高手帮个忙毕业生自我鉴定(范文) 三年的校园生活是我人生的一大转折点。我于xxxx年9月以优异的成绩考入xx学校。三年的校园生涯和社会实践生活我不断的挑战自我、充实自己,为实现人生的价...
速求苏菲的世界好词好段帮个忙生与死正是一枚钱币的正反两面。 如果你没有意识到人终将死去,就不能体会活着的滋味。然而,同样的,如果你不认为活着是多么奇妙而不可思议的事时,你也无法体认你必须要死去的事...
厌学主题班会设计高手帮个忙班会目的: 通过班会,引导学生正确认识自我。 针对本班大部分同学学习目的不过明确,且有部分同学厌学不自信的现象,进行心理学方面的分析。增强其责任感,珍惜今天的学习环境,严格要...