[英语作文我们应该怎样坚持我们的梦想]I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older th...+阅读
With the socio-economic development and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people's concept of food consumption has gradual changed, eating out more regular and rational. The quality demands from the consumer continually increasing, more the pursuit of brand quality, and taste characteristics, health and safety, nutrition, simple and quick. Standardization of the modern fast-food operations, distribution, factory, chain scale and the concept of scientific management, through to practice from the deepening of the process, now widely accepted and recognized, and from fast-food industry be extended to the catering industry, and has become a important development goals and directions of modern restaurant in our country. According to preliminary estimates, in 2004, the national fast-food chain outlets more than 100 million with an annual turnover of up to 150 billion yuan. However, we have to note that some issues constraint the rapid development of the fast-food industry. First of all, social input has decreased, development of the industry need heating. Then the deep-rooted factors which restricting development of the industry urgent need to resolve. Thirdly, development ideas, models and approaches need to be further explored and breakthroughs. Finally, theoretical problem lag still outstanding. Therefore, to solve these problems, we need to do the following. Direct chain model must be developed. This is conducive to a unified mobilization and allocation of resources, a unified decision-making, a unified development and integration of channels. Secondly, take the road of Brand Innovation. In order to get the foothold in the fierce market competition, we must walk the different line. Last, increase professional education, training, attention and investment dynamics. Chinese fast food is at the present stage of development to the standards, but in this process, the operator must have a professional management knowledge and experience. McDonald's success is that McDonald's corporate culture and management style can be copied standard around the world.
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