

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[项目考察欢迎词欢迎词]【项目考察欢迎词_欢迎词】 首先,我代表南溪县委、县政府对天辰公司、天原公司的各位专家不辞辛劳来南考察指导,表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的谢意。作为老朋友,在氯碱项目的选址、天...+阅读

Welcoming speech

fellow passengers:

Hello! Welcome to ride Hanzhong to the Xianyang airport luxurious passenger train, this bus service leaves for the Xianyang airport by Hanzhong, the entire journey 350 kilometers, the entire journey movement approximately 5 hours, I am this bus service train attendant Chenglin and pilot Cao construct the entire journey to serve for you.

In the journey, for yours safety, asks you to hold, sits, is the good safety belt, do not have to take a walk at will in the compartment, in the vehicle please do not have to smoke.

If you have any need, please as necessary relate in us.

Wishes everybody journey to be happy! Thanks!



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