

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[做人的九大原则]励志经典:做人的原则 人生在世,无外乎两件事:一件是做人,一件是做事。做人固然没有一定的法则和标准,但它存在一定的通则,一定有它的技巧与规律。这里只能说些小道理,大提示。 一、...+阅读

This is my own mission statement (the principle of life) 1, people who loved the first 2, in good faith on their own and others are in no way compromise 3, master basic skills in life, learning and the expansion of new territories 4, a weekly program to include the money, including all life in the plan, the Minister of which is pleasant; 5, take full advantage of waiting time and never hesitated; 6, many ask, praise others, not to hurt their pride thing, not to hurt its face and certainly will play a supporting role; 7, to protect those who were not present; 8, courtesy of the physical contact and people, this is a very good habit 9, believe in miracles occur every day 10, conversation, to explore other people with their similarities, and are interested in local 11, looks to be a very capable person, or in some way people can help others (1 love my people - 2 I love people - 3 all worthy of love) 12, giving the left a good first impression 13, adhering to these principles, avoiding bad habits 14, concerned about the democratic, humanitarian, so happy to do their good deeds 应该还可以吧


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关于做人的原则的经典语句有哪些关于做人的原则的经典语句有: 1. 要想进步,就只有吸取教训,成功的经验都是歪曲的,成功了,想怎么说都可以,失败者没有发言权,可是,你可以通过他的事例反思,总结。教训,不仅要从自己身上...

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