

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[诗歌与爱情]甲:(唱)“九九那个艳阳天,十八岁的哥哥想把那军来参。风车跟着那东风转,哥哥惦记着呀小英莲。”二妹子! 乙:哎……三娃子! 甲:谁是三娃子? 乙:那你叫我二妹子?! 甲:我唱的这是电影《柳堡的...+阅读

英语爱情诗歌 as i stand here today with the world as my witness,i pledge to you my undying and everlasting love.i will stand beside you as your partner,i will stand before you as your protector,and i will stand behind you as your solace.please spend and end your life with me.for, you see, each day i love you more,today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow your lips speak soft sweetness your touch a cool caress i am lost in your magic my heart beats within your chest i think of you each morning and dream of you each night i think of your arms being around me and cannot express my delight never have i fallen but i am quickly on my way you hold a heart in your hands that has never before been given away i wrote your name in the sky,but the wind blew it away.i wrote your name in the sand,but the waves washed it away.i wrote your name in my heart,and forever it will stay.love is ...love is the greatest feeling,love is like a play,love is what i feel for you,each and every day,love is like a smile,love is like a song,love is a great emotion,that keeps us going strong,i love you with my heart,my body and my soul,i love the way i keep loving,like a love i can\'t control,so remember when your eyes meet mine,i love you with all my heart,and i have poured my entire soul into you,right from the very start.my love my love is like an ocean it goes down so deep my love is like a rose whose beauty you want to keep.my love is like a river that will never end my love is like a dove with a beautiful message to send.my love is like a song that goes on and on forever my love is like a prisoner it\'s to you that i surrender.as i stand here today with the world as my witness,i pledge to you my undying and everlasting love.i will stand beside you as your partner,i will stand before you as your protector,and i will stand behind you as your solace.please spend and end your life with me.for, you see, each day i love you more,today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow your lips speak soft sweetness your touch a cool caress i am lost in your magic my heart beats within your chest i think of you each morning and dream of you each night i think of your arms being around me and cannot express my delight never have i fallen but i am quickly on my way you hold a heart in your hands that has never before been given away i wrote your name in the sky,but the wind blew it away.i wrote your name in the sand,but the waves washed it away.i wrote your name in my heart,and forever it will stay.love is ...love is the greatest feeling,love is like a play,love is what i feel for you,each and every day,love is like a smile,love is like a song,love is a great emotion,that keeps us going strong,i love you with my heart,my body and my soul,i love the way i keep loving,like a love i can\'t control,so remember when your eyes meet mine,i love you with all my heart,and i have poured my entire soul into you,right from the very start.my love my love is like an ocean it goes down so deep my love is like a rose whose beauty you want to keep.my love is like a river that will never end my love is like a dove with a beautiful message to send.my love is like a song that goes on and on forever my love is like a prisoner it\'s to you that i surrender.as i stand here today with the world as my witness,i pledge to you my undying and everlasting love.i will stand beside you as your partner,i will stand before you as your protector,and i will stand behind you as your solace.please spend and end your life with me.for, you see, each day i love you more,today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow your lips speak soft sweetness your touch a cool caress i am lost in your magic my heart beats within your chest i think of you each morning and dream of you each night i think of your arms being around me and cannot express my delight never have i fallen but i am quickly on my way you hold a heart in your hands that has never before been given away i wrote your name in the sky,but the wind blew it away.i wrote your name in the sand,but the waves washed it away.i wrote your name in my heart,and forever it will stay.love is ...love is the greatest feeling,love is like a play,love is what i feel for you,each and every day,love is like a smile,love is like a song,love is a great emotion,that keeps us going strong,i love you with my heart,my body and my soul,i love the way i keep loving,like a love i can\'t control,so remember when your eyes meet mine,i love you with all my heart,and i have poured my entire soul into you,right from the very start.my love my love is like an ocean it goes down so deep my love is like a rose whose beauty you want to keep.my love is like a river that will never end my love is ...


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