

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语励志名言带翻译]英语励志名言带翻译 1、I want to bring out the secrets of nature and apply them for the happiness of man . I don't know of any better service to offer for the sh...+阅读

Love of life Author: index Maybe I thin body like climbing vines,To grasp their own destiny,Please listen to my voice in miserable conditions,Still repeated in whispers: love of life.Maybe after a fierce struggle after life,I die than the more calm lake.Please go to the cemetery for my epitaph,It is inscribed: love of life.I am determined to do weight: use the pain,I have confidence in life: to do this.I need to weigh the value of one's life,To offspring take me as an example : the love of life.Yes, I very much cherish belongs to me The winding groove diameter barren wild,It is through the winding path,I realize this hard life.I stray, barefoot walking,Feel path edges and corners of the hard stone,Plus the clumps a thorn Make every step I left a trail of blood.My bare back to beggar,Know that deep winter snow in cold and hunger,And the sun fire, hot summer,This makes me a hundred times to cherish every ray of warmth.But I have to challenge the old forces of personality,Although after the defeat, I never light from.I can tenaciously alive, till now,Is: believe in the future, love life.1978 in Beijing 译 热爱生命 作者:食指 也许我瘦弱的身躯象攀附的葛藤, 把握不住自己命运的前程, 那请在凄风苦雨中听我的声音, 仍在反复地低语:热爱生命。

也许经过人生激烈的搏斗后, 我死得比那湖水还要平静。 那请去墓地寻找的我的碑文, 上面仍刻着:热爱生命。 我下决心:用痛苦来做砝码, 我有信心:以人生去做天秤。 我要称出一个人生命的价值, 要后代以我为榜样:热爱生命。 的确,我十分珍爱属于我的 那条曲曲弯弯的荒槽野径, 正是通过这条曲折的小路, 我才认识到如此艰辛的人生。

我流浪儿般的赤着双脚走来, 深感到途程上顽石棱角的坚硬, 再加上那一丛丛拦路的荆棘 使我每一步都留下一道血痕。 我乞丐似地光着脊背走去, 深知道冬天风雪中的饥饿寒冷, 和夏天毒日头烈火一般的灼热, 这使我百倍地珍惜每一丝温情。 但我有着向旧势力挑战的个性, 虽是历经挫败,我绝不轻从。 我能顽强地活着,活到现在, 就在于:相信未来,热爱生命。



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