[跪求英语作文:中西方教育体制的差异!]Education System in ChinaIn China, children begin to go to school at the age of seven. It takes six years for them to finish primary school. In this stage, they...+阅读
1.Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗? (这个既绕口了 又告诉你can的丰富含义 ) 2.I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish. 我希望梦想着你梦想中的梦想,但是如果你梦想着女巫的梦想,我就不想梦想着你梦想中的梦想。 3.I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream! 我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰淇淋! 4.- How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? - A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies. 如果一个好的厨师能做小甜饼,那么他能做多少小甜饼呢?一个好的厨师能做出和其它好厨师一样多的小甜饼。 5. The driver was drunk and drove the doctor's car directly into the deep ditch. 这个司机喝醉了,他把医生的车开进了一个大深沟里。 6.Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot. We'll weather the weather whether we like it or not. 无论是晴天或是阴天。 无论是冷或是暖, 不管喜欢与否,我们都要经受风霜雨露。 7.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? 彼德派柏捏起一撮泡菜。 彼德派柏捏起的是一撮泡菜。 那么彼德派捏起的泡菜在哪儿? 适合练习语速吧 还有发音的方式 我是这样过来的 当然不止这些
英语单词快速记忆法??这个其实有技巧的。。希望能帮到你。我是个学生,把我的方法告诉你吧。 当然了,必要的读写抄写是一定要的。 如果是记忆中文释义的话,1,可以根据单词谐音中文意思。比如deny,读音...
求高效英语单词记忆法!大体上分为学术方法和非学术法 一。学术法 1. 发音规律品读法 如 ministry 字母组合try 在英语中发“吹”的音,会读就会写 2. 词根词缀构词法。如 常用前缀in,im表示“否定”...
怎样才能快速记忆背诵下来英语课文参考下: 英语文章一般逻辑性都很强的,如果你仔细看,第一句应该是一个小概括,然后后面有相应的论据或者例子证明,最后再总结。一般来说会有这样的逻辑性。我觉得背英语课文首先应...
怎么高效背英语课文背英语课文首先最好是理解这篇文章的含义, 把课文分层进行背诵 根据课文的中心内容划分层次化整为零、化难为易、逐层背诵。最后,通背全文,查找不熟的地方,进行强化背诵。 排除...
急求两篇函授本科英语作文My friend. I have a good friend whoes English name is lisa.She is twelve years old and she is a very pretty girl.Everyone in our class including teachers like h...
灵活的英语拼写nimble, flexible, agile I think you probably know that China have adopt a flexible policy in her foreign trade. 我想您也许知道中国在对外贸易中采取了灵活政策。 I...
有一些简单的英语绕口令有中文翻译的吗How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew? 如果一颗露珠会掉下露水,那么一颗露珠会掉下多少露水呢? The driver was drunk and drove the doctor's ca...
英语绕口令翻译1。 Betty Boughter bought some butter 贝蒂买了些黄油Boughter But she said the butter's bitter 但是她说,这些黄油是苦的 If I put it in my batter 如果我把它放在我的...