

02月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[描写四季的英语句子]描写四季的英语句子 1、That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring. 那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。 2、Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that p...+阅读


He is a young and handsome teacher.What's more,he is a good and hardworking man.Once he make up his mind to teach us well,he will never give up.And he has many different ways to help us with our problems. In class,he is very strict with us.But after school we are friends.He looks very leraned with a pair of glasses.With his help, we have learned a lot of things.


you are the light on my way


You just like a sun warms our heart




教师礼赞 The song for teachers

多少年季节轮回,多少个春夏秋冬,How many years coming again and again, how many seasons past can come

你是红烛燃烧着亮丽的生命,You are the candle which is buring your beautiful life

奉献几多血和汗,不求青史留英名,Devoting a lot blood and sweat, do not expect to have a niche in history

你用真情传播着智慧的火种。You use your truth to spread the kinding of wisdom

就象那春蚕献出一生的忠诚,Just like the spring silkworms devoting the loyal of life

就象那冬梅吟唱着早春的歌声。Just like the wintersweet singing the song for the prevernal

多少个不眼之夜,多少次灯光长明,How many white nights , how many times the lights are on for whole night

你在漫漫的长夜里有伏案的身影,You silhouette beside the desk during the long night

青丝之间添华发,三尺讲台荡笑声,There are some grey hair among your hair, but we still can hear the laugh on the platform

你用友爱缩短着心与心的路程。You use your love curtail the distence between the hearts

你是那阳光融化冷漠的冰雪,You just like the sun melt the snow

你是那向导引人走出科学的迷宫。You are the guide to guide us get out of the maze of science

啊!光荣的教师,辛勤的园丁! OH, glorious teachers, arduous gradener

桃李芬芳是你的欢乐,默默奉献无私的心灵。Your students become successful is all your happy, you have a selfless service heart

啊!光荣的教师,辛勤的园丁! OH, glorious teachers, arduous gradener

桃李芬芳是你的欢乐,默默奉献无私的心灵。Your students become successful is all your happy, you have a selfless service heart


描写天气的英语句子描写天气的英语句子 1、Elsewhere is mainly dry with some sunshine, but hey showers possible central and southeast England on Tuesday. 其余地区主要为干燥和晴朗的...

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描写老师的好句子一定要好您博学多识,像亘古流传的星光大道,引领我们探索科学的密境. (物理老师) 你慷慨激昂,像妙语连珠的散文诗篇,带领我们挖掘灵感领域.(语文老师) 您妙语连珠,像接连不断的知识阶梯,引领我...


描写老师的句子名言名句1、教师是人类灵魂的工程师。——斯大林 2、鹤发银丝映日月,丹心热血沃新花。 3、十年树木,十载风,十载雨,十万栋梁。 4、身为世范,为人师表。 ——赞美老师的名言 5、春蚕到死丝...

求描写好老师的句子急!您博学多识,像亘古流传的星光大道,引领我们探索科学的密境. (物理老师) 你慷慨激昂,像妙语连珠的散文诗篇,带领我们挖掘灵感领域.(语文老师) 您妙语连珠,像接连不断的知识阶梯,引领我...


