[初代吸血鬼经典台词]初代吸血鬼经典台词 1、我一直以为我不想要这个孩子。 2、我没警告过你吗。 3、你到底要Elajah原谅你多少次。 4、在我漫长的生命历程中,我已深信,我们注定与血脉相承的人息息...+阅读
They will be watching us,all of them.The three of us leaving together will draw too much attention.I will go along.Take your mourning public while I'm gone.I don't imagine that will be too difficult.Grief,after all,is grief.In what world will she be safe without us?Who can protect her better than we?There is one person.Hello sister.
They will be watching us,all of them.The three of us leaving together will draw too much attention.I will go along.Take your mourning public while I'm gone.I don't imagine that will be too difficult.Grief,after all,is grief.In what world will she be safe without us?Who can protect her better than we?There is one person.Hello sister.
Elijah: Even if I had to spend the eternity to save me from your own pathology, stubborn and vile self.But I had to beat you as father used to in remaind of your humanity,to care about anything
Elijah: Who's more pathetic? The one who sees hope to make his family whole? Or the coward who always sees the world in his own fear.
Elijah: Bacause I fail you. Coz the first time our father lain a hand on you,I should struck him down. And I made a promise to you. (It is) always family--family above all.
Elijah: Perhaps.And I had lived it long in spite of this,haven't I?
【33:50—The End】
Elijah: The bond of family has brought us endless power. But we also have to accept what comes with it. It gives us the responsibility to love without condition,without apology. We can never waver the power of that bond even when it is texted. The bond nourishs us, gives us strengh. Without that power, we are nothing.
Elijah:The unconditional love of family.
Once upon a time,there was a wolf king who fought a war for the most precious treasure in the kingdom,his beautiful precess.But victory came at a price...allices lost,new enemies made...And so,the wolf king stood alone.Happily ever after it was not,but sometimes even the worst endings are not really endings at all.And you should know,my littlest wolf,that,even when all seems burnt to ash,in our story,there is always another chapter to be told.
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吸血鬼日记第6季中有什么经典台词语录经典语录吸血鬼日记第6季中有什么经典台词语录经典语录,吸血鬼日记Damon经典台词有哪些:吸血鬼日记第6季经典台词: 1. 那你怎样熬过来的,你每天怎样醒来,怎么样一天天过日子而不崩溃。—...
吸血鬼日记里的经典台词带英语哒有木有吸血鬼日记里的经典台词带英语哒有木有,谁有吸血鬼日记的台词啊:展开全部 I'll do whatever it is you need me to do, Elena. 你让我做什么我都会去做,Elena。——《吸血鬼日...