

02月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于感恩奶奶的名言急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急]鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。(诸葛亮《后出师表》) 鸦有反哺之义,羊知跪乳之恩 滴水之恩,当涌泉相报. 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖 蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营的道谢。浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该...+阅读


why human being tell lies? Everybody knows telling a lie is not a good thing,but we did sometimes. why we do that?Actually few reasons are following,

1、 it is due to the wrong educational method.If the child makes a mistake or do something wrong,then the parents don't tell him what is right and how to avoiding it.But take some rude measures,then the child will tell lie next time.

2、For praise.Some children tell lies for getting parents' praise.

3、False pride.Children often tell lies when they want to compare with contemporary.For example,he want to tell others his dress is more beautiful than others,or his toy is more expensive than otheres. All in all,telling a lie is a bad habit,and it bascially is due to the family environment.The parents should set a good example to their children.

3、 虚荣心所致。孩子与同龄人交往,一起游戏时,免不了要相互比较、竞争。有的孩子会吹嘘自己的玩具比同伴的多,自己的衣服比别人的贵,也会夸自己的家长比别人有能耐等。孩子有时为了显示自己比别人处处占优势而夸大事实,编造谎言。

4、 为了达到某种愿望而说谎。如天气并不很热,孩子想吃冷饮,他会故意擦汗,表示天气很热,嘴里不停地念叨“热死了”,目的是为了向家长要钱去买冷饮。

5、 由于孩子年龄小,记忆不清晰或由于时间概念模糊而造成的说话不真实。如一个月前妈妈给婷婷买了一个可爱的娃娃,别人问她什么时候买的,她会说是昨天买的。孩子还会把想象和现实混淆,甚至把想象、渴望的事情当作现实。 怎样对待孩子的说谎呢?

1、 由于孩子智力、知识水平尚低而造成的无意识说谎,家长不必大惊小怪,随着年龄的增长,孩子的记忆力、想象力、辨别力、分析能力的发展,这些说谎现象会自然消失。父母可亲切地指出与事实相违的地方,帮助他们把希望、想象与现实分开,切不可粗暴地训斥,也不要归结为道德问题,否则会使孩子感到莫明其妙,惊惶失措。

2、 孩子有说谎的不良行为,成人要耐心教育,循循善诱。家长先不要责备孩子,而是要找出原因,属于有意识说慌的,要帮他分析危害。可用形象的事例来帮助孩子了解说谎是一种不良行,会失去别人的信任,会失去朋友,并鼓励他,帮助他改正。当孩子有了进步,要及时表扬,级以信任。要激励孩子鼓足勇气,积极向上,争取做一个高尚的人。

3、 树立榜样。榜样的力量是无


why human being tell lies?Everybody knows telling a lie is not a good thing,but we did sometimes.why we do that?Actually few reasons are following,

1、 it is due to the wrong educational method.If the child makes a mistake or do something wrong,then the parents don't tell him what is right and how to avoiding it.But take some rude measures,then the child will tell lie next time.

2、For praise.Some children tell lies for getting parents' praise.

3、False pride.Children often tell lies when they want to compare with contemporary.For example,he want to tell others his dress is more beautiful than others,or his toy is more expensive than otheres.All in all,telling a lie is a bad habit,and it bascially is due to the family environment.The parents should set a good example to their children.

3、 虚荣心所致。孩子与同龄人交往,一起游戏时,免不了要相互比较、竞争。有的孩子会吹嘘自己的玩具比同伴的多,自己的衣服比别人的贵,也会夸自己的家长比别人有能耐等。孩子有时为了显示自己比别人处处占优势而夸大事实,编造谎言。...


Lie to My Parents Today, when I go home after school, I go across a shop, I see a beautiful toy, I want it so much, but my parents will not buy it for me, because they say I have so many toys. So I lie to my parents, telling them I want to buy a book, I use the money to buy the toy, but I am not happy, so I tell the truth, my parents are happy I am honest....


Lie is a bottomless pit. Yes, lying is a bottomless pit, when it comes to you in the first lie, the next lie is waiting for you! Therefore, in order to realize a lie I will tell the second lie, but in the end, the hole deeper and deeper, growing hole in one day, the lies were to be detected, as falling into the abyss, painful. The purpose of writing this article, not to lie to people, because I think this is completely impossible, lied to, if it is the best for everyone, a white lie is also irrelevant, perhaps because the white lies, for everyone's happy, why not?...


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