[退出用英语怎么说前进后退用英语怎么说啊]前进 [qián jìn] 1。 to advance 2。 onward 3。 to go forward 4。 to forge ahead 相关解释: advancing, go ahead (and do), move forward, make way, progression, adv...+阅读
1、水利水电工程专业用英语表示为:Water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering。
2、其中water conservancy的英式发音为[ˈwɔ:tə kənˈsə:vənsi],美式发音为[ˈwɔtɚ kənˈsɚvənsi],意思有:水利(工程),蓄水(工程)。
3、hydropower的英式发音为['haɪdrəʊˌpaʊə],美式发音为 ['haɪdroʊˌpaʊə] ,意思有: 水电;水力发出的电力。 拓展资料 Water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering
1、In the water conservancy and hydropower engineering, bridge engineering, civil engineering is playing an extremely important role. 在水利水电工程、桥梁工程等土木工程领域发挥着极其重要作用。
2、Three-dimensional information system for water conservancy and hydropower engineering geology based on "Double C" integration 基于双C集成的水利水电工程地质三维信息系统
3、Importance Analysis of Safety Impact Factors in Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Construction Based on Rough Sets 基于粗糙集的水利水电工程施工安全影响因素重要性分析
4、Code for construction of formwork of water conservancy and hydropower engineering Numerical Computation on Hydrodynamic Loads of Hydraulic Automatic Tilting Gates 水电水利工程模板施工规范水力自动翻板门水动力荷载数值模拟
5、Quality of project of water conservancy and hydropower engineering has the outsanding characteristics of process and unique one. 水利水电工程项目质量具有非常显著的过程性和独特性。
6、As the development of water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering technology, modern water conservancy developments quickly on scope and speed, high dams and great reservoirs emerge in endlessly, which brings about great economy and politics benefits and it is important to social development. 随着水利水电技术的发展,现代水利工程以前所未有的规模和速度突飞猛进,高坝大库层出不穷,带来了巨大的经济和政治效益,对社会的发展起到重要作用。
7、Design of underground cavity is frequently used in water conservancy and hydropower engineering as the development of national hydroelectricity engineering. 随着国家水电事业的发展,水利水电工程中经常会遇到地下洞室的设计问题。
8、In recent years, Chinese underground engineering construction flourishes, the traffic tunnel engineering and large-scale water conservancy and hydropower engineering are constructing, underground engineering disasters occur frequently at the same time. 近年来,我国地下工程建设蓬勃发展,交通隧道工程和大型水利水电工程纷纷投入建设,同时地下工程灾害频繁发生。
Three Gorges underground power plant tailwater damping well concrete construction technology the Three Gorges underground power plant tailwater damping well slightly has the construction environment, the safe hidden danger to be big, the construction time is tight, overflow surface quality requirement higher characteristic. After the research, determined that uses forms the corbel well circle structure first in the damping well base concrete, then uses the hydraulic pressure slip form in the well circle to construct the formation continuously the plan. After the lining work concrete construction finished, the damping well wall was smooth, the formation quality was high, was under overseeing and the owner unit's approval.
工程师用英语怎么说engineer [7endVi5niE] n. 工程师, 技师, 火车司机, 轮机员, 工兵 engineer en.gi.neer AHD:[µn”j…-nîr“] D.J.[7end9*6ni*] K.K.[7Wnd9*6n!r] n.Abbr. e., E., eng., engr....
水利水电工程专业的院校排名教育部2012年全国高校学科评估结果-水利水电工程 排 序 学校代码学校名称 学科整体水平得分 1 10294河海大学 95 2 10003清华大学 90 3 10486武汉大学 86 4 10141大连理工大...
哪几所大学的水利水电工程专业好1、武汉大学(zhidao211,985),河海大学(211),清华大学(211,985) 2、四川大学(211,985),大连理工(211,985),天津大学(211,985),同济大学(211,985) 3、三峡大学(该专业为一本专业,学校二本一),华内中科...
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