[有谁能给我一个中英文对照的在职证明模板]给你我的,亲自手打 兹证明**(身份证***,护照号码***)是我公司聘用的员工,现任***。目前收入情况如下: 基本工资:***(税前) 特此证明。 To whom it may concern, this is to certify t...+阅读
Teaching Plan Be Careful with Numbers in Listening Class: Class 12, Senior Two Date: May 16,2007 Teacher: Ni Yazhen School: Zhi Yuan Senior High School Teaching Material: P75 S2B Oxford English; Additional material(The new Star Wars movie, Be Careful with Numbers) Teaching Objectives: Knowledge objectives: To enable students to listen and complete some exercises Ability Objectives: To encourage the students to have basic skills of listening. Emotion objectives: To cultivate the cooperation through peer interaction Teaching aids: Multi-media Teaching and learning method: Guiding for learning Teaching Procedures: I. Presentation Today we'll have a class on listening practice “Be careful with numbers in listening”: First we'll play a game. Then, we'll practice. Lead-in A game on number II. Performance: Quick and accurate response to numbers is very important in daily communication. Telephone numbers, addresses, prices, temperatures, time and dates all closely linked with the use of numbers .Besides, numbers also play a very important part in broadcast programmes such as reports Now let's listen to some advice from experts. Task 1 Be Careful with Numbers (Play the recorder Twice) Individual work→pair work(check the answer with your partner)→Group work(Underline the important sentences. e.g. The differences between million and billion, “-teen's” and “-ty's” are ….. “Seventeen point five million.”…)Whole class read the key sentences. Well-done! Numbers are all around us. Let us practice with numbers and learn to be good at numbers.(First read out the following numbers… Watch the screen) Task 2 Listen to some statements about the brief history of films and TV. First check the answers in groups. If you have different opinion , please raise your hands. Judgement: (First students give themselves a judge. Then teacher does it) It seems no challenge. Now, We'll do challenge exercise. So pay special attention to the numbers in the passage and select the correct answer from the choices listed below. First teach the students new words in listening material. Then ask students to read out the numbers in Star Wars. III. Promotion: Challenge exercise Star Wars Listen to the tape twice →Check the answers IV. Conclusion: What we learned today is “Be careful with numbers in numbers.” Remember the following points when you are doing listening tasks: 1. Take great care with the spelling of names and with addresses and phones numbers, prices, time and dates... 2. To find the right answer, you may need to do simple calculations or combine two sets of data. 3. Listen carefully for words and phrases such as these: half / twice as expensive as… it's shorter / cheaper / quicker than… the lightest / heaviest / newest not as long / cheap / good as… Some useful abbreviations and symbols for note taking( See PPt.) V. Assignment: 1.Review P6-7 –Filling in forms P43– Working with numbers 2.Collect some information on listening skills Teaching Plan Be Careful with Numbers in Listening Class: Class 12, Senior Two Date: May 16,2007 Teacher: Ni Yazhen School: Zhi Yuan Senior High School Teaching Material: P75 S2B Oxford English; Additional material(The new Star Wars movie, Be Careful with Numbers) Teaching Objectives: Knowledge objectives: To enable students to listen and complete some exercises Ability Objectives: To encourage the students to have basic skills of listening. Emotion objectives: To cultivate the cooperation through peer interaction Teaching aids: Multi-media Teaching and learning method: Guiding for learning Teaching Procedures: I. Presentation Today we'll have a class on listening practice “Be careful with numbers in listening”: First we'll play a game. Then, we'll practice. Lead-in A game on number II. Performance: Quick and accurate response to numbers is very important in daily communication. Telephone numbers, addresses, prices, temperatures, time and dates all closely linked with the use of numbers .Besides, numbers also play a very important part in broadcast programmes such as reports Now let's listen to some advice from experts. Task 1 Be Careful with Numbers (Play the recorder Twice) Individual work→pair work(check the answer with your partner)→Group work(Underline the important sentences. e.g. The differences between million and billion, “-teen's” and “-ty's” are ….. “Seventeen point five million.”…)Whole class read the key sentences. Well-done! Numbers are all around us. Let us practice with numbers and learn to be good at numbers.(First read out ...
关于>的说课稿 各位老师你们好! 今天我要为大家说课的课题是 首先,我对本节教材进行一些分析:
1、教材所处的地位和作用:本节内容在全书及章节的地位是:《 》是初中数学教材第 册第 章第 节内容。在此之前,学生已学习了 基础上,这为过渡到本节的学习起着铺垫作用。本节内容是在 中,占据 的地位。以及为其他学科和今后高中的学习打下基础。
(3)、情感目标: 通过对 的教学,引导学生从现实生活的经历与体验出发,激发学生对数学问题的兴趣,形成主动学习的态度,同时渗透爱国主义思想。通过理论联系实际的方式,通过知识的应用,培养学生唯物主义的思想观点。3:重点,难点以及确定的依据:本课中 是重点, 是本课的难点,其理论依据是 这一难点,但由于学生年龄小,解决实际问题能力弱,对理论联系实际的问题的理解难度大。下面,为了讲清重难点,使学生能达到本节课设定的教学目标,我再从教法和学法上谈谈:二:教学策略(说教法):一教学手段:如何突出重点,突破难点,从而实现教学目标。我在教学过程中拟计划进行如下操作:1:“读(看)——议——讲”结合法2:图表分析法3:读图讨论法4:教学过程中坚持启发式教学的原则 基于本节课的特点: ,应着重采用 的教学方法。即: 二教学方法及其理论依据:坚持“以学生为主体,以教师为主导”的原则,即“以学生活动为主,教师讲述为辅,学生活动在前,教师点拨评价在后”的原则,根据学生的心理发展规律,联系实际安排教学内容。采用学生参与程度高的学导式讨论教学法。在学生看书、讨论基础上,在教师启发引导下,运用问题解决式教学法,师生交谈法、问答法、课堂讨论法,引导学生根据现实生活的经历和体验及收集到的信息(感性材料)来理解课文中的理论知识。在采用问答法时,特别注重不同难度的问题,提问不同层次的学生,面向全体,使基础差的学生也能有表现的机会,培养其自信心,激发其学习热情。有效地开发各层次学生的潜在智能,力求使每个学生都能在原有的基础上得到发展。同时通过课堂练习和课后作业,启发学生从书本知识回到社会实践,学以致用,落实教学目标。使学生学习对生活有用的数学,学习对终身发展有用的数学的基本理念。提供给学生与其生活和周围世界密切相关的数学知识,学习基础性的知识和技能,在教学中要积极培养学生学习兴趣和动机,明确的学习目的。教师应在课堂上充分调动学生的学习积极性,激发来自学生主体的最有力的动力。三:学情分析:(说学法)1 、学生特点分析:中学生心理学研究指出,初中阶段是智力发展的关键年龄,学生逻辑思维从经验型逐步向理论型发展,观察能力、记忆能力和想象能力也随着迅速发展。从年龄特点来看,初中学生好动、好奇、好表现,抓住学生特点,积极采用形象生动、形式多样的教学方法和学生广泛的、积极主动参与的学习方式,定能激发学生兴趣,有效地培养学生能力,促进学生个性发展。生理上,青少年好动,注意力易分散,爱发表见解,希望得到老师的表扬,所以在教学中应抓住学生这一生理特点,一方面要运用直观生动的形象,引发学生的兴趣,使他们的注意力始终集中在课堂上;另一方面要创造条件和机会,让学生发表见解,发挥学生学习的主动性。
2、知识障碍上:⑴知识掌握上,学生原有的知识 ,许多学生出现知识遗忘,所以应全面系统的去讲述。 ⑵学生学习本节课的知识障碍。 知识,学生不易理解,所以教学中教师应予以简单明白、深入浅出的分析。
四、 教学程序及设想: 教学程序:
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