

03月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我们的孩子为何成不了爱迪生]我们的孩子为何成不了爱迪生 文/徐立新 1858年,11岁的爱迪生开始在休伦镇至底特律的火车上卖《底特律报》。他一般是早上7点抱着一大摞报纸登上火车,卖完后晚上十点多钟才能回...+阅读


Dear client, I am terribly sorry about the quality problem the good has. And please accept our turly apology. However, we can not afford that great amount of redress. Could you please consider some other ways to solve the problem? I hope we can work it out。 翻译:亲爱的客户,我对于产品的质量问题感到很抱歉。请你接受我们诚挚的歉意。但是我们没法承受高额的赔偿。你能否考虑一下其他的解决办法。我希望我们能解决这个问题。 希望能帮你。。。。打倒洋鬼子。。。呵呵哈哈


Sample Letter #1

Thank you for your letter alerting us to the problem you have been having with our store in Springfield. I am sorry you have been subjected to such a frustrating series of events. We pride ourselves on responding to customers' concerns very quickly, so what you have experienced is inexcusable.

I have spoken with our manager in Springfield and have instructed him to give you a full refund plus 20% off your next purchase. I extend my own apologies for the inconvenience this problem has caused you. It is apparent that we need to train our holiday help more thoroughly.

I wish you an enjoyable holiday season.

Sample Letter #2

I certainly understand your frustration at being sent the wrong order last week and realize that you need some of your order immediately to satisfy demand. I hope the merchandise we rushed to you on Monday arrived in time to get you past the crisis.

Please accept my sincere apologies. We will make every effort to see that this never happens again. We appreciate your business and will do everything we can to serve your needs.

Sample Letter #3

I agree that John Doe's newest CD is a poor excuse for music; other critics say the same. Still, you purchased the CD, opened the jewel box, and kept it for at least two weeks; consequently, I am sorry, but I cannot give you the requested refund. You might go to one of the used CD exchange stores in town and trade it for something more to your liking. I value your business and I am sorry, but I cannot exchange CD's simply because the music is bad.


The software of 18 series battery data processing version is already out of date , now that I do not save this version, The software of 14 series battery data processing although cannot show all of the sequence voltage, It is enough for your reference and usag.Sincerely apologize for the inconveniences....


Dear sirs, We are sorry to hear that some goods are not flat enough due to compression during the transportation. But we can promise you that all our goods are strictly inspected or surveyed by our inspectors before leaving our factory. Even there is a small area which is somewhat deformed or less flat, which we think should be acceptable. Also as per the feedback from our agent, we got to know you also agreed to such a slight deviation. After several hard discussions with our leader, he finally consents to offer several kG in next shipment for compensation. I cordially hope to receive your better understanding on this issue. Your great support will be much appreciated.Best regards,XX


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