

03月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[如何分析一个人的性格]我觉得个性和属象没有必然联系,否则你直接去查看星座算了. 其次,了解一个人是一个很漫长的过程.不是几句话就能看透一个人的.即便是心理师也做不到. 她给你这样的感觉,就说明至...+阅读


人物性格分析 The Analysis of Personal Character

Different people have different characters. If we want to get along well with others, we had better learn their characters, so that we won't step on landmines. For example, when we meet a person who is patient, we can show our opinions slowly. But when we meet a hot temper person, we had better express our opinions as soon as possible and get away from him when he loses his temper. If we meet a person who is more bark than bite, we take the measure of sticking. In a word, different people will accept different ways for communication. Analyzing personal characters help people get a good harvest in interpersonal communication.



lazy 懒的

punctual 守时的

kind 善良的

efficient 办事高效率的

strict 严厉的

generous 慷慨的,大方的

patient 有耐心的

forgetful 健忘的

reliable 可靠的

boring 令人乏味的

open-minded 思想开放的

traditional 思想保守的,传统的

He was six feet two, lithe but muscular, with broad shoulders and a slim waist, and he held himself gallantly erect; he had a charming hea, wll placed on the shoulders, with pale brown hair that waved slightly, blue eyes with long dark lashes under well-marked eyebrows, a full red mouth and a tanned, clean skin. When he smiled he showed very regular and very white teeth.



1、Respect the human rights and everyone human dignity of everyone. Never saddle one's sense of worth on others. Can soberly think about oneself and can bear the press. Have confidence but not complancence. Have good interpersonal relationship. Be good at dealing with all kinds of problem in life.

2、EQ is a kind of ability.EQ is a kind of Creation .And EQ is a kind of skill.Now that EQ is a skill so it has rule to obye,and it can be grasped .If only we have more courage ,more chansten and more investment in human relationships,wo can be like the proficient in EQ,can build a loosen surroundings,a contacts for yourself,and a space which can exert yourself better.

3、The investigation indicate that :to a person to be successful or not ,the IQ makes up only 20 per cent ,but the EQ makes up 80 per cent.someone think that :"IQ decides the chioce of the work ,EQ decides the preferment.” 呼呼~!~~`` 我一点点翻译的~累死了 应该不会有错吧~ 反正 词语是不会出错的~~ 要是想找这类文章 也可以 去书店 或者 上一些 英文网站 只能帮你这些了~ 好好写吧~ 加油~!!


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