

03月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[没关系。用英语怎么说]没关系 All Right 没关系。 Don't worry about that. 这没关系。 Never mind about that. 根本没关系。 It was nothing at all. 这没关系。 It doesn't matter. 一点儿没关...+阅读


A Composition of Protect Our Environment--------- Taking good care of our environment is very important.Wherever you live,You can do something around your neighbourhood. it's our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.You might ask yourself,"have I picked some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?" --------If everyone makes a contribution to protectingthe environment,the world will become much more beautiful


英语作文 人与动物(The man and animals) As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction. Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit., which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of animals. So it is high time for us to take quick action to protect them. First of all, it's quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection. Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of .


我认为人与动物之间的关系直接影响到人与自然的关系。都是如同照镜子一样。你对他笑他也会对你笑。I believe that the relationship between the man and the animal affects the relationship between the man and the nature, which is just like the mirror, when you smile to it , it will smile back to you.

小时候养过小狗,它十分可爱。会绕着你不停地转圈。如果这时候我给他吃块牛肉它就会用舌头舔你。但后来因为家族的遗传病死了… When I was young, I raised a lovely puppy. It turned around me in circles. It would lick me if I fed it with a piece of beef. But, it died of a disease inherited from its family.

以前还养过鹦鹉。一只鹦鹉被其他鹦鹉欺负,头破了。我妈妈就给它擦药很细心的照顾它。后来它都不会咬我们。飞走了也会飞回来。Also, I raised a parrot. When its head got scratches from other bullying parrots, my mother would put some medicine on the scratches and take good care of it. Later on, it would not bite us and it would come back after flying away.


So, I regard the relationship between the animal and the man as the one between people, which means you will have a good return when you treat it right.


急需一篇英语作文通过因果关系说明阐述成功的主要因素1) A closer analysis of the top achievers' success can find that their success has much relation to the common factors as follows. 2) In the first place, it is...


沈石溪动物小说人与动物的好句好句 1、天色微明,雪光映衬,它看得很清楚,是一条身材高大的公花狗,馒头状嘴吻,粗壮的四肢,耳朵出奇的大,就像两片桑树叶一样盖在额角。 2、说也奇怪,随着花翎大公鸡的啼叫,东方天际那...

人与动物之间感人的故事动物之爱 为救路人,狗儿扑上即将爆炸的手榴弹! 农历二〇〇三年八月十一晚间,俄罗斯西部城市别尔哥罗德(Belgorod)的街头上,1只忠心耿耿的狗儿为了解救主人和路人,奋不顾身扑上1...

人与动物的感人故事在江西玉山县地方,有间叫水南寺的古庙,寺庙的住持叫月 印,年约六十余,是一位颇有德行的高僧,常常诵经修行,足不 出户。 月印养有一条狗,十多年了,颇有灵性,每当月印诵经时, 一敲木鱼,这...

有关人与动物之间感人的故事动物知感恩 花喜鹊的故事 重阳节快到了,平平一家到八大处游览。 公园入口处有一个小湖泊,湖边有很多大石头,游人们坐在这里歇脚、吃东西。只见一只黑白羽毛的花喜鹊,正在地上寻...

人与动物之间的感人故事20字青海省有一个沙漠地区特别缺水。据介绍,每人每天只有靠驻军从很远的地方运来3斤定额的水量。3斤水,不光饮用、淘米、洗菜……最后还要喂牲口。 牲口缺水不行,渴啊!终于有一天,一...

关于人与动物的感人故事有什么一只小老鼠的爱情故事 它是一只小老鼠,从它出生那天起,它就知道了这个事实.它出生在地铁里,从来没有名字,所以我们就叫它地铁里的老鼠吧!虽然它只是一只老鼠,可从那天起,它就觉得自...

