

03月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求英语高手翻译下!要人工翻译!]A large number of domestic and international mark, satisfied customers will give the company revenue growth and cost savings. To customer satisfaction for servi...+阅读


I couldn't tell whether it's a truth or a hallucination about the Love you say.

My forgivings over forgivings only gets me disappointment after disappointment with you

You know what, I still love you, but I'm never fighting to keep you.

Because I could't have my heart wander about endlessly between injury and recovery.

But there was something you once said, that I'll remember for ever, word for word.

Maybe I'm obcessed to remember it, or perhaps it needs to be proven over time.

My heart is cold now, it's never going to open up again.

Your tone of voice, your happiness and your grieves are all reflected in my mood.

But, this, you would never know!

Maybe loving you is just a mistake, nevertheless, I'll keep it in my memory for as long as I shall live

I'm grateful to have met you, for you to let me feel what love is like

I'm writing this in English because I know you don't speak it.

Please be happy for the rest of your life, with my love.

Would you please promise one last thing to me?

Don't ever forget me...


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