1.Collection托收是出口人在货物装运后,开具以进口方为付款人的汇票(随附或不随付货运单据),委托出口地银行通过它在进口地的分行或代理行代出口人收取货款一种结算方式。属于商业信用,采用的是逆汇法。2. Compensation Trade补偿贸易 国际贸易中以产品偿付进口设备、技术等费用的贸易方式 。它既是一种贸易方式也是一种利用外资的形式。其基本特点是 :买方以赊购形式向 卖方购进机器设备、技术知识等 ,兴建工厂企业 ,投产后以所生产的全部产品、部分产品或双方商定的其他商品,在一定期限内,逐步偿还贷款本息。补偿贸易双方的关系属于国际贸易范畴内买方与卖方的关系,买方对购进的机器设备或技术知识等,拥有完全的所有权和使用权,卖方在工厂企业内不占有股份。
Compensation contract template Signed a contract number :______ Time :______ Signed at :______ The two sides entered into a contract :_________________________________________ Party :_________________________________________________ Address :_________________________________________________ Tel: ___________________ Fax :________________________ E-MAIL: _______________________________________________ B :_________________________________________________ Address :_________________________________________________ Telephone :___________________ Fax :__________________________ E-MAIL: _______________________________________________ In view of Party B has a view of ______ is used in the manufacture of machinery and equipment, and machinery and equipment is willing to sell the Party; in view of Party A Party B agreed to purchase used equipment provided by Party B production to compensate for its ______, equipment price; In view of Party A Party B agreed to purchase the machinery and equipment; In view of Party A Party B intends to sell to repay ______, B price of machinery and equipment; Therefore, taking into account the premise described in the agreement and agreed by the parties, A and B enter into this agreement the two sides special. The contents of the first trade 1. Party B to Party A to provide for the production of _____________ __________ mechanical units, and various other auxiliary mechanical equipment, as well as providing various types of machinery and equipment necessary accessories and spare parts attached, as well as in the production process all the necessary testing equipment. Specific types of machinery and equipment, testing equipment, enclosure, spare parts, spare parts of the model, name, specifications, quantity, price, packaging, requirements, delivery dates and so on, by both the import of equipment entered into separate contracts, as an integral of this contract part. 2. Party A Party B provided by the production of machinery and equipment products as well as other commodities, or by mutual consultation, the _____ ______ factory goods to pay the price of all machinery and equipment. The specific name of the payment of goods, quantity, price, delivery dates and so on, by both parties entered into separate contracts for the supply of goods, compensation as an integral part of this contract, equipment import contracts and compensation contracts for the supply of goods for compensation can be combined purchase and sale contract . The second way to pay and conditions B sides from outside the letter of credit, that is phased out by the Party A to Party B as the beneficiary of the long-term letters of credit, phased in batches to pay the full price of machinery and equipment; B out in favor of Party A spot the letter of credit, the price of goods to pay compensation. Party A Party B with the price of goods to pay compensation to pay the full price of machinery and equipment. When Party B can not be offset by the purchase price paid by Party A long-term letters of credit opened by the amount, the difference between the prepaid in part by Party B with the way in the Party's long-term letters of credit opened before the expiration of remittance Party, Party time in order to be able to negotiate long-term letters of credit opened. Party A's long-term letters of credit opened by the scheduled payments is based on the Party B in accordance with the provisions of the deadline to open letters of credit and prepaid in accordance with the regulations. B ensure that the required letters of credit and prepaid out. Payment of the third period Party with _____ years _____ months, with monthly payments of all machinery and equipment goods price. Repayment date machinery and equipment since the arrival of the first ______ months after the start, in principle, the amount of monthly repayment of all machinery and equipment ____。
price per ____ Party can be the early repayment, but the need to inform the ____ B months ago. In the Party, with the compensation price of goods during the repayment of machinery and equipment, Party B under this Agreement shall be of the compensation provisions of the contract goods, open to the Party in favor of full, limited, irrevocable, divisible, negotiable letters of credit. Article IV-denominated currency and price of standard Both commodities are denominated in currencies with _______. Party B to provide all the machinery and equipment and all equipment, accessories accessories _______ ...
国际贸易术语FOB是什么意思FOB_FOB是什么意思_FOB国际贸易术语FOB 贸易术语指“船上交货(……指定装运港)” 国际贸易 FOB 术语是当货物在指定的装运港越过船舷,卖方即完成交货。这意味着买方必须从该点...
关于 2010年国际贸易术语解释通则DAT(delivered at terminal) 目的地或目的港的集散站交货 类似于取代了的DEQ术语,指卖方在指定的目的地或目的港的集散站卸货后将货物交给买方处置即完成交货,术语所指目的地...
谁了解国际贸易术语解释通则2010版对连环贸易的解释需要完整Incoterms® 2010 在FAS,FOB,CFR和CIF等几种适用水上运输的术语的指导性说明中,首次提及“String Sales”,在CPT和CIP的A3项中也有提及。 大宗货物买卖中,货物常在一笔连环贸易...
怎样巧记国际贸易术语解释通则2010记忆国际贸易术语解释通则2010 总共11个贸易术语,可分两大类: 一、用分类记忆 1、适用于海洋运输:FOB,CFR,CIF,FAS 2、适用于任何运输方式:FCA,CPT,CIP,EXW,DAP,DAT,DDP 二、用交货...
国际贸易术语 2010版1. 术语分类的调整:由2原来的EFCD 四组分为适用于两类:适用于各种运输方式和水运 2、贸易术语的数量由原来的13种变为11种。 3、删除INCOTERMS2000中四个D组贸易术语,即DDU (De...
国际贸易术语解释通则2000与2010的主要区别《2010通则》与《2000通则》相比主要区别如下: 1、贸易术语的数量由原来的13种变为11种。 2、删除INCOTERMS2000中四个D组贸易术语,即DDU(DeliveredDutyUnpaid)、DAF(Delivere...
论述 2010国际贸易术语解释通则对 2000国际贸易术语解释通责两个新的贸易术语—— DAT与DAP,取代了2000年国际贸易术语解释通则中的DAF、DES、DEQ和DDU规则。 国际贸易术语的数量从13个减至11个,这是因为DAT(运输终点交货)和DAP(目的地交货...
国际贸易和金融的区别请通俗地解释!表复制 3Q国际贸易和金融的区别请通俗地解释!表复制 3Q,学文科外贸金融会有哪些职业选择:国际贸易就是跟外商作生意阿,所以要懂贸易理论和外贸实务等。金融的话重要学习经济方面的东西。...