

03月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com



2012是一部美国的电影。这是一部激动人心的电影。2012重要讲了在2012时世界将会被毁灭,然而一部分人活下来的故事。看完这部电影,我每天都在思考世界末日这件事,我很害怕也很好奇。这部电影十分精彩,剧情也很惊险。这部电影也告诉我们要保护我们这个地球,爱护坏境,也要珍爱生命。2012给我很多启示,希望大家也去看看。这是多么好的一部电影呀!2012 is an exciting American movie. It tells the story that everything on earth is destroyed in a disaster in the year 2012, only a small percentage of human beings survived. After watching the movie, I ponder a lot about the end of the world everyday, because I am both afraid and curious about it. This is an excellent movie with a thrilling storyline. It tells us that we should protect the earth and the environment, as well as all creatures on earth. 2012 teaches me a lot, I think everyone should go and see it. What a good movie it is!


Forrest Gump is so unique because of the character Forrest Gump himself, who has a low IQ of only 75. I love that Forrest doesn't lose his innocence and purity throughout the movie, or maybe he just can't but either way, this shows you don't need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful. It is just a movie, so maybe it doesn't work like that in reality. What that simply means is that the acting and story of this film was incredibly touching on a real level. And in my definition that's what a good movie should be able to do.


修女》英文影评 The story of the making of The Nun's Story (1959) would, in itself, make a great book or documentary. It's extraordinary that this dramatic tale, tackling the very controversial subject of a nun leaving the order, has been nearly forgotten - even more so when one considers the director (Fred Zinnemann), the star (Audrey Hepburn) and the phenomenal reviews and box-office receipts. By the end of its initial play dates, the picture had become the most successful movie Warner Brothers ever made, with grosses surpassing the $7 million mark! The Nun's Story was to close on a Sunday night, and The Tingler was going to open on Monday. We got in a huge crew...to spend the day wiring the vibrators to the seats. But that night, just at the most tragic moment of The Nun's Story, somebody touched the mastertch and the seats began vibrating in wave after wave. There was absolute pandemonium!"


英文电影经典语句英文电影经典语句有哪些?英文电影有很多的经典,那么你记得有哪些经典的语句吗?请看下面的英文电影经典语句吧! A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 一个人可以被毁灭,...

英文电影台词有哪些电影台词是让你印象深刻的?下面是小编与你分享的一些英文电影的台词,希望你喜欢。 01 There is no certainty, only opportunity.V for Vendetta (2005) - V (Hugo Wei...

电影经典英文对白《肖申克的救赎》 It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another. 坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。 Remember, Hope is a good thi...

经典英文电影中的经典的英文对白最好是阿甘正传1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 2.Stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为...

经典励志的一些英文电影台词<white flag> i will go down with this ship, i won't put my hands up and surrender,there will be no white flag above my door,i am in love,alawas will be.我将坚持...

英文电影的台词中英对照都要-Rose:Hello, Jack. 哈啰,杰克。 I changed my mind. 我改变主意了。 They said you might be...Shh. 听说你在这里。 -Jack:Give me your hand. 手伸出来。 Now close your...

求歌舞青春英文影评This is a Disney Channel Original Movie.While on a New Year's Eve vacation,high school hoops star Troy and brainy Gabriella - two teens who are worlds apart - m...

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急求歌舞青春2英文影评 120词以上!Good-bye, classroom! Hello, summer! But for Troy, Gabriella, Chad, and Taylor, this vacation is no day at the beach. That's because they're all working at a cou...
