

04月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[教育思想家孔子的名言]知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 盖有不知而作者,我无是也。多闻,择其善者而从之;多见而识之。 圣则吾不能,我学不厌而教不倦也。 学如不及,犹恐失之。 敏而好学,不耻下问。 以能问...+阅读


There are six people in my famil.My grandparents,my parient,my sister and i.My grandparents like watch TV.My mather is teacher.She likes dance and sing.She favorite sports are ping-pong and volleyball.She favorite movies are action movies and comdies.My father is work.He favorite sports is baseball.My favorite subject are chinese,math and history.I think they're interesting.I aslo like volleyball.My favorite movieis action movie because it is exciting but i don not like documentary.I think it is boring.I like my family very much.

急求一篇关于一次想家的经历的英语作文 50字左右!超简单的

The passage told us that a student, Sam was sent to a boarding school, in which he very missed his parents, so he got sick and could not focus his attention on his lessons.

In fact, in real life, everyone can have an experience of feeling homesick. I remember when I was 10 years old, because my parents was busy, I was sent to my uncle's in another city. Here, I studied for two years. Although my aucle and his family were kind to me, I still felt homesick. At first, I couldn't sleep well, because I didn't adapt to the climate there. And, because different teachers have different teaching methods, it was difficult for me to understand the lesson. Besides, I was new for the students there, I hardly had friends. I felt very lonely.

As days went on, I slowly adapted to the new environment. I actively communicated with my new students and made friends with them. My homesick gradually disappeared.


Dear Linda

I kown your problem through your letter.I hope my advice will be of some value to you.

First of all,you need try your best to learn english by communicating with others.It can heip improve your spoken english.Secondly,you should be helpful to others so as you can leave a good empression on your friends.The last but not the least,taking an active part in after school activities plays an important role in your friendships,which wii make you kown more friends.

Difficulties may always lay in our lives,please don"t be down.We are always there if you need.Wish you can adapt to your new life earlier.



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