[高中生物名词解释]同源染色体是一半来自父方,一半来自母方,形状大小完全相同,复是在受精结合的时候由镜子和卵细胞分别带来的,以人为例就是一边23个,所以人类染色体是23对 等位基因就是分别存在于...+阅读
"Boar" : reproductive mature male pigs.
"Backup pigs" : mature but hasn't breed female pigs.
"Pregnancy after mating sow" : the sow to antenatal.
"Lactation birth and sow" : in female pigs weaned period.
"Lactation piglet" : not weaned pigs born.
"Weaning piglets" : weaning to 10 ZhouLing pig.
"Growth growing-finishing pigs" : 10 ZhouLing to slaughtering or mating pig.
"Humane slaughter" : to reduce or reduce pig stress, pain and fear before the slaughter process and slaughtering techniques.
"The faint" : by machinery, electricity, gas, etc way makes animal unconscious, but keep breathing and heartbeat.
This paper studies the pig excrement bean seed morphology and different temperature, light, different chemical reagent processing, the influence of germination of seeds. Results show that: the seed in 15 ℃, 20 ℃, 25 ℃ and 35 ℃, 30 ℃, room temperature (22 ℃ ~ 38 ℃) conditions are germination ability, four temperature finally after germination tiptop 15 ℃ germination rate lowest financial burdens, 35 ℃ for 44.7%, germination index, when the temperature is higher than the other, the optimum temperature of germination for 35 ℃; Different light conditions are the ultimate germination of seeds 60 ~ 80%, germination index, so also no significant difference to light the seed is not typical of the seeds; Different concentration on seed germination mpeg lead buds, also had no significant effect on germination can achieve some 60%; Different concentrations of seed germination rate affect easier is not obvious, the germination rate are 50% ~ 60%. Different temperature of seeds sprout soaking processing has significant influence. In 35 degrees of distilled water soaking seeds of 24 hours after the highest germination rate, the average germination rate was 67%, 25 degrees of distilled water soaking germination rate also higher average germination rate, 57 percent, and while in 45 degrees of distilled water soaking seed germination rate is low, germination rate is only about fifteen percent
谁能给我一份详细的高中生物名词解释首先要明白三个观点: 1、学习生物要有兴趣。兴趣是学习的动力,是学习的第一位老师,有了兴趣,才会积极而愉快地投入,不会觉得学习是一种负担。 2、要亲其师。古人云:亲其师信其道,如...
护士的名词解释护士是一片云,白衣素雅,行无所息。 护士是一支轻舟,不辞飘荡,载人进入安全的港湾。 护士是一座小桥,清浊两边,渡人走出无边的病噩。 护士是一件衣裳,轻披在肩,体贴温存。 护士是一只...
舞蹈专业名词解释慢三是属于三步, 三步, 顾名思意, 就是每一小节有三拍。它的重音在第一拍, 后两拍是弱音, 节奏是" 强, 弱, 弱"。我们说过, 在男士请了女伴之后, 摆好舞姿, 男舞伴前进左脚, 女舞伴后退右...
名词解释安全距离广义的“安全距离”是指规避危险和潜在的危险所要保持的空间大小。 汽车驾驶中指的“安全距离”是指汽车在行驶过程中,前后车的间距。这和汽车的行驶速度和行驶条件以及司机...